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“No. I talk to the insects here. It’s a magic power of mine. Don’t tell anyone.” He laughed at me, the movement through his whole body doing something that made Cat uncomfortable in hers. “Of course, it’s a fucking camera. It’s a very good camera.”

How the fuck was I to know that when this place crawled with actual live spiders.

His bulging stare moved to Cat. Her little nose scrunched with hate, the dusting of freckles hiding in drying blood as his eyes dropped down her body, still hidden by my sweatshirt. Slumped, she looked defeated, her body strained, every part of her covered in blood and red blotches where bruises would develop.

“Didn’t the mutations put you off?” he asked, turning back to me as another floorboard told him I was getting closer.

“I think she’s beautiful.” I stopped.

“Deluded. Probably a result of all those drugs over the years.”

I wouldn’t bite to his berating.

“Not bothered by the misshapen tits? The fact that you’ll never get a family from her?”

My fingers tightened on the Glock, the temptation to pull the trigger so fucking strong. I couldn’t ask about the baby. There were already tears on Cat’s face. And the truth was, we both already knew what had happened.

Licking my dry lips, I freed the truth. “She is my family. She’s my wife. My world. My everything.”

“Yes, your everything. Tell your everything what you did to my wife’s cunt.”

He was making out that I’d stuck my fucking tongue in there or something. Anger rattled through me as I stepped closer, too many emotions swirling inside me. “Fuck her and what I did. She isn’t important. You want to talk about violations. How about you tell me what you did to mine.”

My gun angled at his cock, where I wanted to inflict the most pain.

Cat’s eyes flicked to me briefly before landing back on the bigger threat.

“ can feel the scars? I did you a favor. Now, she’s ribbed for your pleasure.”

It didn’t bring me pleasure. Just fucking pain. Because I hated that she was hurt that badly.

My fingers tightened on the gun.

“Silly bitch needed to be punished, and so did you. Alerion said hurting her would do the most damage. That’s why he brought me in. Said it would keep you in line, and in turn, he’d line my pockets.”

“I didn’t see her for eleven years. And she was hurt daily.”

“Not true. You saw her once eight years ago. That one little show that brought us all together was his idea. Tell me, how many hours after seeing her was it before you were snorting again?”

“None of your fucking business.”

“Did you realize it was a test for you before you returned to the stage? You were supposed to be clean. It proved to him I’d have to keep her until her death. He suspected you’d be more than tempted, but he gave you the benefit of the doubt. You failed. You tried to help her get away, Remington. How did that work out for you? I heard you were beaten half to death the following night.”

“It was worth it.”

“Then maybe you aren’t like me, after all. I wouldn’t risk my life for any woman. Maybe, somewhere deep inside, you do love her.”

“More than anything.” And love made you do stupid things, like offer monsters money. “I’ll top whatever you earned from him if you hand her over now. And I’ll walk out of here with my girl and forget you exist.”


He looked down to Cat’s crotch, smiling like a fucking idiot. A heavy, stuttered breath fell out of her. Her hand clawed at her chest as she took it, and it almost brought me to my knees as her weak body slumped a little more, her face edging to the hot flame.

“Take the fucking deal! I don’t have time to waste!”

“Yeah. She’s running out of it, isn’t she? Don’t worry. She’s had a few of these heart attack things. Not for a few years, but she has. She’s strong. I’ll give her that. It’s not her time yet. She’s waiting to hear what you did to Candee.”

No words left my gaping mouth because how could I tell my wife—the trafficking survivor—that I’d ended someone’s life by shooting her in the fucking vagina.
