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“I’m leaving.”

No one moved, but I needed out.

The chanting continued, hiding the crack of bone in someone’s nose as my fist collided. Another crunched in someone’s cheek, and I forced my way between them, Dec sticking close and rushing with me down narrow hallways. The basic and minimal decor made them appear longer than they were.

“Get your fucking car keys ready!” I screamed, rounding a corner.

I could run around this place blind. It had been a favorite venue of mine back in the day.

I heaved open a heavy door, and cold air attacked my lungs as they sucked in heavy breaths.

Where the fuck was Dec’s car?

Why the fuck were his shorter legs so slow?

He charged through the door, pressing a button in his hand, and headlamps in the distance flashed orange in the dark.

“Ollie’s car! Go!” he called when I was already halfway to the vehicle.

I opened the passenger door and slumped inside. I pressed some buttons on my phone screen that brought up an app while I waited for Dec to get the fuck in and start driving.

“You don’t wanna drive? Maniac style?” He pushed the key into the ignition, and the Volvo roared to life.

“You drive.”

He pulled out of the parking space. Traffic marshals guided us through the yard. Their slow pace along the road interrupted our speed and fucked with my patience.

“Fuck. Nudge him. He’s in our way.” I was beyond done waiting for this clown to get out of the way of the road.

“I can’t nudge him.”

“Get out of the fucking way!” I leaned out the open window, startling the punk with a poor haircut.

“God!” He jumped, moving from the car. “Everyone thinks they’re a fucking rockstar these days!” he screamed as the car whizzed past.

I shut him out by closing the window.

Dec signaled to go right at the junction, and the orange glow caught my eye.

“Go left.”

“Why? The nearest hospital is to the right. Nothing goes left. Just interstate.”

“It goes home.”

“Why would she be taken home? She’ll be at the hospital.”

“She isn’t.” Why the fuck wasn’t she headed right. “It’s a setup.” Realization brought vomit to the back of my throat. My downcast gaze hid the look of vengeance on my face as I stared at the dot on my phone, moving off in the wrong direction. “Left, Dec. Go fucking left and put your fucking foot down. They’re already way ahead.”

His foot slammed down on the gas. His gaze burned me, shifting between me and the dark stretch of road.

“What the fuck is going on, man? Why do you think it’s a setup? No one could have known about her heart or about her being there. It was a spur-of-the-moment decision.”

“You could have been followed.”

“We were at Beyond Heaven. She saw her sister, and she was confused and pissed.”

I ignored all that because, right now, it wasn’t important. The only thing important to me was finding Cat, regardless of how pissed she was, and getting her fucking medical help.
