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A deal that would have another girl delivered here sometime in the next two weeks.

Cold tears dried in the night air as I turned towards the light breeze, avoiding the puff of smoke coming from Gold Teeth—standing far too close to me—and his cigar.

My fingers padded the grass, something brushing them as they clawed beneath the shadow of the cherry-red car.

My panda.

Remi must have brought her out here without me seeing and dropped her on the ground when he put me down.

I snuck her inside my sweatshirt, and my fingers stayed there, smoothing out my anxiety with the soft feel of her pink tie.

“You know, this isn’t standard procedure. But Alerion needs Remington. He brings us money. And you’re getting in the way of that.” Gold Teeth eyed his van, where Remi had been dumped in the back. He’d been given something that would keep him alive long enough to be seen by professionals. “His obsession with you is strong, so we’re doing things differently. He’s gonna go away for a while and get help for his issues.”

“Issues you amplified by giving him drugs?” I wouldn’t hold my tongue.

What was the worst thing they could do? Kill me? They wouldn’t. There’d been too much talk of punishments. Their plan was to keep me alive and gift me to a monster.

And that still gave me a chance.

I just hoped these nerves passed by the time it presented itself.

Remi’s song was playing from the van, the new release that had been written in my honor. I started to hum to the tune’s sound, needing a little extra help to stay calm as I panicked over what was coming.

But it didn’t work as Gold Teeth blew out another puff and said, “Not long now. Someone is on their way to collect you.”

Chapter 64




“Get the fuck out of my way!” I threw fists at another face. Forced bodies to the side, more appearing to fill the wall between me and Cat, who’d been taken off the stage by a medic, pried from my arms while my body turned numb on the floor.

It had taken a slap across the face from Dec to pull me from the nightmare that was mine and Cat’s shared past. I never knew reflections could come and go so quickly, so many memories flashing in my head within seconds. Maybe that was because I hadn’t reflected in years, trying to forget what a shit fucking human I was, but when she’d fallen to the floor, her breaths fading out, I saw our whole life flash before my eyes.

The men in front of me, standing in the way of my exit, all wore blue, a nod to their boss and mine. Pencil Dick.

“She’ll be fine,” one told me, looking so much like the men at his side. “Rubbichon wants a show. The fans deserve it.”

“I’m not singing another fucking word!”

The silent crowd appeared to be the easiest way to get outside. I glanced at them and contemplated bolting, praying they’d part like the Red Sea and let me through.

“She’s his fucking wife!” Dec felt my frustrations. “Let him pass!”

“She’s getting medical attention,” another of the men responded coldly.

“And I will sit at her side while that happens!” I argued, nostrils flaring. “Let me fucking through.” I shoved at multiple chests.

“Let him pass,” Sean called from behind me. The other band members were quick to surprise me by shadowing the statement.

“Let him pass, let him pass, let him pass,” the fans chanted, calling all attention to them.

The show wasn’t as important as her, not even to them.

Appreciation would have floored me with how it fled through me if dread and anxiety weren’t already taking up every inch.
