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“If you weren’t followed, they took a chance.”

“So, where do you think they’re taking her?”

“To Rothbart’s.”

“Maybe they just took a wrong turn. They can’t be that far ahead.”

“They are. The cunt has a lead foot.”

“How do you know that?” His eyes kept drifting between me and the stretch ahead. “Can you look away from your fucking phone to talk to me?”


“Why not? Is someone messaging? Is it Pencil Dick? Because if this is a setup, that shit back there had him written all over it.”

“I haven’t heard from that worthless prick. I’m tracking her.”

“What do you mean you’re tracking her? I thought you removed that. Ollie said—”

“I told Ollie I removed the original.”

“And did what exactly?”

“Replaced it with one of my own.”

His eyes stayed on me for far too long. It’s a good thing there were no suicidal wildlife. “And she was okay with that?”

“I didn’t ask. But if I had, we wouldn’t be able to find her now.”

“Could anyone else have tracked it?”

“No. Pencil Dick and anyone working for him would assume I removed the last one, and if they checked, it would be dead. No one has the new code except me.”

“Fuck, Remi.” Dec’s head shook. “You really are obsessed...”

His next words weren’t anywhere near as bad as I thought they’d be.

“But thank fuck for that.”

Dec faced ahead, his worry flashing to me every few seconds.

Time went by in silence, and my eyes stayed on the red, flashing dot, which meant her tortured heart hadn’t given up yet.

Chapter 65


“Sharp left right ahead.”

“Got it.”

Tires gripped the road as we swung into the turn. It’s a good thing Ollie changed them often. Anything with less tread would have sent us down the banking.

I popped the glove compartment, knowing Ollie well enough to know there’d be a Glock in there. “Should be another one under his seat. Check when you stop. You might need it.”

Dec nodded. His face showed no fear, but he hated this. The tension rolled down his arms to where he choked the steering wheel in a tight grip.

Blackness clouded around us as we drove through the thickest waft of trees. The road was barely visible as trees overhung it, blocking the moonlight.
