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More liquid came from his mouth, this time with a frothy texture.

“Remington!” the accented voice moved closer.

“Come out, boy!” called another. One that instantly pulled my attention to a break in the trees, and there standing in the darkness, moonlight cascading down on him, was a monster.

He smiled at me, his gold teeth glimmering.

Another appeared at his side, barking orders that fear blocked out. His head twisted to me, his scarred face contorting into a thing of nightmares.

A single step brought him closer, and the world crumbled beneath me.

I fell to the ground, unable to run. My bladder showed all my fright as it gave way in his presence.

His green eyes fell on Remi. “You better wake up, or I’ll have her fucked to death before the night is out.”

As if by magic, Remi stopped shaking.

Gold Teeth bent at his side, fumbling with another needle between cigarette-stained fingers. “Do I have the go-ahead?”

“Oui. If you kill him, you kill him. I don’t even give a fuck right now.”

He gave me a look that had me shrinking against the tree. “I’m glad to see that wrist healed.”

I tucked it away, wishing I could hide all of me. Careening away, already bored of me, he faced Remi, supported by another tree.

Remi’s eyes blinked rapidly, his chest rising and falling even faster than mine. His pants were still down, his dirty socks on display. His cock was still out, still wet, not affected by the night air.

“I’d love to know what it is about her?” The Devil’s knees crunched as he bent to Remi’s side, taking Gold Teeth’s place.

That monster watched my lack of movement like a hawk.

“Eh? What is it? What is it about her cunt that keeps making you come back for more?”

“Leave me the fuck alone,” Remi slurred, his head in the opposite direction to me.

“I doubt it’s tight now that this has been in there.” The Devil’s finger moved along Remi’s shaft, but Remi, weakened by the seizure, was too weak to fight him off. “I’d consider finding out for myself, but we both know, I’d rather have my fun with you.”

The ground accepted the creep’s legs as he bent lower, his long tongue coming out and trailing my taste along Remi’s skin.

Discomfort took over me, and I found myself welcoming even more of it as I pushed back, my spine grinding over the ridges in the bark.

“Get the fuck off me!” Remi’s fingers gripped the Devil’s wild hair, pulling energy from somewhere to slam his face into the ground, but not enough of it to do damage.

Fighting back, the Devil shrugged him off. His fingers headed for Remi’s throat and squeezed slightly.

“I hope your cheap shot was worth it.” The Devil looked over his shoulder, his cruel gaze on me as I pulled my sweatshirt further down my thighs. “Thanks to you, your little whore will have a rough day tomorrow.”

It wasn’t a lie.

The truth was written on his face.

Chapter 63


Dragged out of the trees, I was tossed at Remi’s rental. I backed up against the hood, my eyes on Cedric as he stood at his door, not sparing me a second glance.

He was making a deal with the Devil.
