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I dropped the bottle, and it rolled away.

“She isn’t going anywhere. She’s fucking mine!” he screamed to no one or to another tree, maybe.

His dilated pupils were fixed on the giant tree ahead.

“Remi…” I breathed painfully, shaking in terror. My wide-open mouth sucked in dirt and dust, dry from the night air. “Please.”

It was like he couldn’t hear me, ignoring every word.

“Tell them you’re mine.” He snatched my head from the ground. “Tell them.”

From side to side, my head shook. There weren’t enough drugs in my system to numb me from the way he was acting. No giant fist to knock me out. There was just fear, and it was strangling me, stopping me from answering.

“Tell them, Cat. Tell them you want me.” There was no time to answer. He was screaming again. “SHE FUCKING DOES! I’ll show you. I’ll show you just how much she wants me.”

“Remi, please.” My voice was almost silent, but my head swayed from side to side in his grip.

“Let me take this further. You don’t get to say fucking no to me.”

“I am.” I choked on the words. “I am saying no to you.”

He carefully watched my mouth.

“You’re forgetting your role, Cat. You’re a whore. The trees know it. That one—” He let go of my face to point to a huge tree directly opposite us. “Says that’s why you can’t love. It says the other one was wrong.”

“Do you even hear yourself, Remi?”

“I hear them, somehow. And they’re right.”

“You don’t mean all this.” His weight forced my body against the ground, and I clawed at it, the dirt clogging under my nails in my desperation to get away. “You’ll be sorry for hurting me.”

“I do mean it.” He forced open my legs, placing his body between them. “I really do.”

“No! It’s the drugs, Remi! Please, please don’t.” My voice broke as he pulled my hands behind my back. The force caused pain along both shoulders and bound me in his grip.

The trees started closing in around us. I could feel everything, the dirt and rocks beneath me. I could feel him wriggling on top of me, pulling down his zipper. The noise echoed in my ears beyond the rustle of nature. And everything around me made me feel dirtier.

Collapsing my head to the ground, I inhaled the scent of grass as the blades poked inside my nostrils.

“Please, Remi.” I sobbed, my heart breaking when he ignored me, shoving down his pants.

“I’m gonna make you love me. You’ll see.”

Breaths stuttered out of me painfully. This wasn’t love. He wasn’t capable of love if he could do this.

The bottle taunted me in the distance. I could reach it if my arms weren’t restrained.

His free hand moved between my legs, pressing against my pussy and rubbing until wetness coated his fingers.

I turned my face into the ground to mute the pitch of my scream. I wriggled hard, only to be pinned harder.

“You can’t tell me you don’t want me now. You always fucking drip for me.”

No matter how wet I was as he slid his fingers inside me, it hurt, my body tensing under the intrusion.

I whimpered as his hand moved and caused me pain. He didn’t care—not stopping as I writhed beneath him.

“Why’d you have to be so bad tonight?” His laugh, melodic and compelling, attempted to hypnotize me as he leaned over me. “You’d think you’d be grateful.” That was the pain of rejection talking. “You forget who I am.” And that was the drugs.
