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It pushed me to the edge.

The wise old trees next words—that I shouldn’t have fucking heard—shoved me over the side. “You’ll never be what she needs. They corrupted you. They created a monster. Who could love a monster?”

“You’re wrong!” I snapped, a long finger pointing to the tree.


“Yes! You’re fucking wrong!” Launching at the tree, punching the bark, and delivering a kick, I screamed, “She will fucking forgive me! She will fucking love me! She will fucking love me!”

I stepped back.

“I’ll make sure of it.”

Chapter 62


Itrembled, leaning back against the tree. Remi was on the other side of it, and from what I could see, he was arguing with another tree. And that was fucking terrifying to witness.

Brought up with no religion, my eyes looked skyward to dark clouds and a darker sky, pleading with someone beyond all that to help me.

“Please,” I mouthed silently. “Oh, god, please.”

Now that my wrist could move without me wincing in pain, my fingers moved around my neck, and after a few seconds of vicious prodding, they snagged on the tracker beneath them.

How could I get it out?

An alcohol bottle with thin glass taunted me from the distance. A little whisky or something similar in color still filled the bottom, promising to fight against any potential infection.

I stretched for it and grabbed it quickly. Careful not to distract Remi, I pushed myself from the ground.

Peering around the tree, holding the bottle and all my nerves close to my chest, I saw him kicking heavy wood, wearing only socks. Surely, he’d break his toes any second.

I couldn’t bear to watch him.

He was manic. Lost. Different. Downright scary.

Quietly weaving to another tree, I found safety in the distance between us. I did it again, moving to another trunk and then another, needing to put enough distance between us so I could smash the bottle and slit open the back of my neck.

Another tree shielded me.

“Cat!” he screamed.

Terrified he’d seen me, I bolted, not waiting for him to say anything else.

“Where are you!”

I weaved and darted, my long hair surely catching his view.

Racing up behind me, he caught up quickly—his sweatshirt, which I was wearing, caught on a tree branch, assisting his pursuit.

“No!” I yelled at the tree, like I, too, had lost my mind.

Remi caught up just as I broke free. Moonlight cascaded down through the trees, landing on his face and showing me his hunger, anger, and his disappointment in my betrayal.

My legs tired as I spun away and made it a few more feet.

My ribs screamed out in pain, and my mouth did the same, following the weight of his body tackling me to the ground. Roots of a tree assaulted my torso and knocked the wind out of me.
