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Forcing my eyes to meet his and allowing him a good view of my lips, I whispered, because that was all I could manage, “You forget who you are. You forget that there’s a person underneath all the shit you put in your system. You forget that before the rockstar title, you were just a teenager, hurt like me. You didn’t have a hero. Be mine, Remi. One last chance.” I pleaded. “Be mine?”

Fingers stilled inside me, and his body pushed up. He pulled out, leaving a smear on my ass as the sting of his fingers came down on my flesh. His teeth sank in next, his mouth working beyond them to deliver a bite that felt like anything but love.

He reeled back, laughing again. “I’m not your hero, Cat. I couldn’t even be my own. And besides, the tree says you’re lying.”

His focus stayed ahead on the tree that said absolutely nothing.

“Please, Remi.”

The head of his cock pushed against my pussy, then my asshole, like he was trying to choose which one he was in the mood to violate. “One shows love. The other shows pain. Which do you deserve? Can I make you love me?”

God, make him stop.

He’d taken so many drugs into his body by all means—his veins, mouth, and nose. He shouldn’t be functioning, and I hated myself for thinking it, but I wished for him to stop, by any means necessary, closing my eyes and praying with all I had.

Please make him stop. Please make him stop. Please let his heart stop.

Guilt pushed my eyes open. I didn’t really want him to die. I just didn’t want this. I began hating myself, thinking I deserved all I’d get because how could I ever think something so horrible?

I sobbed over that, and it was all that sounded as I shook my head, but feeling his cock edge into my ass, I cried out, “Love…love! LOVE! I choose love!”

No time was wasted as he moved back to my pussy, dragging the tip across my slit just once and moaning. “I can make you love me,” he said again.

And then he slammed inside me with a single thrust. Hurting us both, his huge cock stretched me until I screamed.

Gritting my teeth, I braved the pain until it became too much, falling through my lips in broken cries.

He grabbed my hips, and his fingers jabbed into my flesh, leaving marks from his nails behind as he fucked me hard and fast.

And it broke my heart, because despite all the lies and leading on, there was always something more—lingering feelings that I shouldn’t have had—and this was our first time.

He squeezed me harder, my skin turning purple as he demanded, “Do you love me yet?”

I couldn’t answer. I could only cry.

Time blurred, seconds becoming minutes as his cock tore my pussy, sliding in deep.

His voice echoed, repeating the same words as earlier. “I can make you love me.”

And in my head were the words, no, you can’t.

He stopped dead, fully impaled inside me. I couldn’t move, his length bruising my cervix. He loomed over me but didn’t look down at my face, showing my pain and humiliation as I lay in the dirt.

My vision distorted, and my heart grew heavy in my chest. A tight feeling followed as if the organ was being squeezed until I couldn’t breathe at all. My jaw ached, maybe from screaming. My arms numbed in his grip, and my legs felt too heavy to lift.

I tried, I failed, my body molding to the ground. I became lightheaded, and I blacked out.

“I can do it.” He screamed in the direction of the tree, which was apparently still mocking him. “I can fucking do it!” was all I heard as my vision went black.

For slow seconds, I felt him again as he began rutting inside my body.

And then I felt nothing.

I gasped, my face scraping on the twigs beneath me as my body rocked.

There was a stickiness between my legs that told me this should be over by now, but Remi was still buried inside me, his cock still forcibly pushing inside me.

With each thrust, my lips kissed the vomit on the ground. I must have been sick while unconscious.
