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“No. That’s what you want me to believe. But it’s not true.”

“It’s paranoia!”

“You know, I told you personal things, Cat. So many personal fucking things. Shit about that thing who raised me and all the monsters she let into our home. About how I first took drugs at eight years old and why I did it!”

I couldn’t let him make me feel bad.

“I’ve told you things, too, Remi. I told you about how it hurts me every time someone shoves that needle in my arm! How it feels when they push their disgusting dicks inside me. How I’m forced to take backstreet morning-after pills because no one likes fucking condoms in this house!”


“It happened again today. While you were literally on the floor at my side. I called for you.”

“Shut up!”

“Pleaded for you to help me before the crap in that needle did its job.” Tears began flowing. They didn’t stop.

From side to side, his head shook violently.

“Shut the fuck up!”

Jumping from the bed, he ripped his sweatshirt from his body and the blankets from me as I continued trying to cover mine. “It’s too fucking hot in here!”

Long legs rushed him to the bathroom, where he splashed his face with cold water.

I waited for the water to stop running before I continued. “For the last three nights, I’ve told you what it feels like to be covered in bruises from where those freaks have groped my breasts and shoved their fingers inside me. I tell you personal things, too—”

Boots left wet prints on the carpet as fast feet brought him back into the room. “Yeah, and I don’t want to fucking hear them!” His arms waved in the air, gripping my view and keeping a tight hold on it.

He didn’t want to hear of my pain.

“That came out wrong. I just meant that—”

“What is that?” I interrupted, pointing to his arm and the needle hanging out of his vein, proudly on display as he stood in a short-sleeved tee.

“Fuck!” He yanked on it and threw it to the floor. “It’s not important!”

“What is it?” my voice heightened.

“Ketamine, I think.” He shrugged, like ketamine wasn’t something deadly to him and those around him.

“Where did you get it?”

“Cedric gave it to me earlier. Not only do I owe him for visits, but he’s my dealer now, too.”

Of course.

“Are you so high that you didn’t even know you’d left it in?”

“Don’t judge me, Cat! You have no idea what it’s like—”

“No, I don’t. I have no idea what it’s like to put a substance before a person you supposedly care about.”

“You have no idea what it’s like to care about someone, though, do you? You just proved that.”

“No. I do. I know exactly what that’s like.” I sobbed, my distress altering my voice. “I had a sister that I loved to pieces, and I let her down by taking her to your fucking show!” I spat the angry words out across the carpet as he moved closer to me.

A cold glare burned into me, watching how my mouth moved along each word, making my anger more heated.
