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“Hmm?” The sound was muffled against my skin.

“How much am I worth to you?”

His mouth left my breast, but his eyes stayed on my chest as it rose and fell. “Ah, babe. You’re priceless. But I thought he’d take a million and run. He refused, so I offered him ten. He told me no and that no money I could ever offer him would be enough.”

“And yet, he was willing to send me back. Remi…”

Remi’s eyes met mine, black orbs swallowing up the light golden shade.

“Can’t we just run away together?”

“I’d lose everything.”

“You’ve already risked everything. You just said you love me more than music.”

“I do.”

“And you’ll have me.”

“There’s a voice in my head that tells me I won’t. It tells me something’s wrong.” He eyed the C on his ring finger.

“It’s the drugs. Because you didn’t feel this way before taking so much.” And they were wearing off. The light vibration in his hands only added to the sensation he caused inside me.

“It’s sense.”

“What do you mean?”

My hips rose again. His lips kissed my neck. His piercing was cold against my skin as he whispered, “It’s sense talking. I told you I’d show you how much I want you.”

“You are. It feels good,” I told him because it was the truth and because I thought it was what he wanted to hear.

I was wrong.

“I know. My fingers are fucking soaked.” He worked harder, half of his hand moving in ways that sent pleasure to every part of my body.

He became all I focused on.

My eyes stayed fixed on his handsome face. The hint of fragrance still on his clothes, nutty and sweet, mixed with the scent of my arousal, created something beautiful around us. The sound of him humming my favorite song guided the orgasm through me.

“Remi, I’m gonna—”

Do absolutely nothing.

Because he pulled his fingers out of me, leaving me feeling empty and exposed. And disappointed. He sat up on the bed, taking the sheets with him as he wiped his hand on his jeans like the stickiness on his fingers offended him.

My body shook, let down by the denial of my approaching orgasm, as I forced myself up and asked, “Why?”

“Because I was right. I did show you how much you meant to me, and you didn’t even fucking touch me.” Siding his head back, he refused to look at me fully. “Do you know how that feels? Rejection? I’ve spent weeks traveling from every fucking state to see you, opening myself up and exposing myself to you. You can’t imagine what it’s like to have every feeling shoved back in your face because the person you have them for has been lying about theirs.”

Egyptian cotton filled my hands—another pointless thing that Cedric had bought for me, now stained with my blood and countless people’s cum. I tugged the blankets, desperate to get them over me and hide beneath them, creating a layer between us to wipe away some vulnerability.

“I trusted you.”

Oh, the hypocrisy. “I trusted you, too!”

“Yeah…and what? Fancied a little revenge?”

“You’re creating something from nothing. It’s the drugs.”
