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His nose bumped mine again, encouraging my head to turn, and I found myself kissing him back when his lips parted against mine.

He curled his fingers again, hooking me. My hips bucked, continuing to meet him.

Despite all his thoughts on my charade, he still wanted me.

I could pull this off. I still had a chance.

Long fingers slid over my G-spot, creating an unintentional moan. His tongue took advantage of my open mouth, pushing its way inside.

He became rock hard, his hips rocking into my leg, showing me his need.

“I tried to buy you when things got intimate between us. I risked everything for you before the tour.” His lips were on my ear again. “I’ve always risked everything for you.”

“What do you mean?” I asked, still raising my hips, soaking his fingers.

“The night we met, I was arguing with my driver to let me out of the limo when I saw them chasing you, and then a bullet missed my head by inches. The glass pierced fuck knows what, which is how I lost my hearing. The prick drove off. I wanted to go back for you. I had to get so high on the way home to try and get you out of my head.”

“Did it work?”


“Then why leave me there in the first place?”

“Because I was stupid.” He pushed a third finger inside me.

“Ah, Remi.” My hands stretched for his, ten fingers wrapping around his wrist, pleading for control over his depth and pace.

He gave that to me.

“I’m glad you regret not coming back for me.”

“I regret taking you there.”

My broken heart burst yet still pounded in my chest, all the shattered pieces hurting more than ever.

“Then why do you keep taking the shit they give you?”

“They never fed my addiction until that night. They wanted me off drugs because it interfered with my performances. But they knew I dabbled when I could. They knew I liked the highs a little too much because they helped me forget the low points in life. That gold-toothed cunt used drugs as a last resort because he knew I’d take it if offered, but it’s gotten so much worse since you.”

A fourth finger stretched me, pumping once, twice.

I winced, wriggling and trying to get away. “That’s too many.”

Pulling his hand out, he glossed my lips with my arousal before kissing my mouth, then sucking his fingers.

Two fingers returned between my legs, pushing inside me, and a third followed. My fingers returned to his wrist as a precaution, but his stretching of me caused pleasure, not pain.

Each touch centered me, and pleasuring strokes relaxed me enough to say, “It is worse now, the drug thing. It’s way worse, Remi. You were okay before the tour.”

“I did as you asked. I tried to limit myself for you. By my standards, I was relatively lucid and sober when I offered Cedric money to buy you.”

Remi’s lips made it on to my skin, a trail of sensual kisses along my jawline and down my neck. His head dipped, his flat tongue smearing over my hard nipple, soothing a bruise given by someone who’d used me earlier today.

Suction created a new sensation. It felt amazing.

I gasped.

“How much?” I asked, catching my breath.
