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His superiority complex was strong today, and my ears hurt with all the talk of his rockstar lifestyle that invaded the more worthy conversation: the drugs, the tours, the sex.

That was the last thing I wanted to hear about.

My vagina hurt from today’s visitors—visitors who’d come, raped me, and left while Remi was passed out on the carpet.

A tear rolled from my eyes. And I realized I still hadn’t answered him.

“I don’t believe you mean that. You could have anyone’s tight cunt.” My eyes narrowed on him, the tears dried up and hiding as he turned to me at the sound of my voice full of vengeance. “And one day, you’ll come here, and someone else will be in this bed because I’ll be replaced if—” Vengeance left, leaving a crack of sadness behind. “When I die.”

“You won’t die.”

“I could, and we both know it.” I’d already given him details of my heart defect, and it had probably played a part in why he’d chosen to take things slowly. “Will you replace me, too?”

“Never. You’re the only one for me.”

“Then, buy me, Remi. Own me. In my heart, you always have anyway.” This was my last chance to sell myself—sell my act.

“Why don’t I believe you?”

“Because you put that shit in your system and chose it over me again. Tell me something, would I even see you if you weren’t high?”

He’d limited the drugs in the past, but he’d never fully cut ties with them.

“I wish I could take you home.”

“Then do it.” My hands strangled the tension in the room, avoiding Remi’s throat. “He’ll do it, for a price.”

“He won’t.”


“I have tried.” His voice broke. The usual rasp was gone. He massaged his throat until he sounded like himself again. “I have. He won’t let you go.”

Remi collapsed onto my new pillows—something Cedric had bought for me from the money I earned him.

How generous of him.

“I need to unwind.” He did because he was far too stressed to do either of us any good. “Can I use you?”

Heat radiated with anger, but fuck it. Everyone else fucking used me. I was becoming numb to it all.

The new pillows fuzzed my hair, pissing me off as I nodded.

Remi sensed it, turning toward me and grooming the wildness out of my hair. “I’ll show you how much I want you. I wonder if you’ll do the same.”

His body sank beneath the sheets, and long fingers drifted up my leg, dropping to the inside of my thigh, continuing to my pussy. He brushed my clit twice and pushed inside me.

My body tensed, muscles pulling him in when I really wanted to shut him out.

It hurt so much. Another tear rolled, landing in my ear canal, making my heavy breathing sound different.

His finger caressed inside of me, determined to stay true to his word. He pulled out, pushing back in with two fingers, curling against my G-spot. My wanton body shamed me, the pain shifting away and becoming something else.

Raising my hips, I met his intrusion because he’d learned everything I liked in our time together.


“I fucking love—regardless of what you believe—you.” He nudged my face to his. “You are the only thing I’ve ever loved more than music. More than anything,” he whispered against my ear, then kissed it. “This situation is shitty for me, too. I fucking hate it.”
