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Chapter 58


Remi had continued to visit me for the last few weeks. However, a brutal last-minute touring schedule had been shoved in his face and in the way of my plan, preventing me from getting deeper under his skin and into his black heart. And I needed to do that quickly because he was close to fully claiming mine.

It had been two months of him stopping back and forth, but that only meant one or two nights each week. He had interviews to do, an album to promote, and a kitten to care for and feed each day, which was, apparently, my fault.

He’d named the little guy Michael, a nod to the masked maniac who was on TV the weekend he’d gotten him.

Remi liked slasher movies.

I liked chick flicks.

Not that we ever had to worry about arguing over what to watch. A TV was the one thing my room didn’t have, amongst the loneliness and pointless pink frills attached to everything.

Tonight was the first of three weeks where I wouldn’t see Remi at all, and as much as I hated to admit it, I missed him.


And I wondered who would feed the damn cat because he hadn’t told me. All he ever talked about these days while he was here was me and him and the life he wished we could have. He called it a dream.

Reasons like that were exactly why I shouldn’t be trying to use the man I’ve been infatuated with since I learned of his very existence. And I definitely shouldn’t be trying to make him fall in love with me so he would choose me above all else and rescue me.

Especially since that man was Remi, a drug addict with a superiority complex, who, in reality, put me last on his list of priorities.

But at least I was on that list now, and as long as I didn’t fall for him, I’d be fine.

But that was getting harder to do. He was all I had in this world. He and Rhylie, who I could feel in my soul, crying tears for me each night as I would her.

The stuff with Remi. God…each smile, each touch...each intimate touch made my growing feelings harder and harder to ignore.

We’d gone too far.

I came on his fingers while he kissed my neck, his mouth moving down to my breasts, his tongue and teeth skillfully causing a beautiful pain that only had me clamping down on the two digits buried inside me harder.

I hadn’t meant to call out his name, but I practically chanted it when he said, “That’s it. That’s my good girl, just like that. Come on my fingers. Show me how much you want me.”

And I did, twice.

Cedric had heard me call out Remi’s name last night, not liking my level of enthusiasm because it definitely surpassed my one and only night with him.

He’d made me wear a fucking French maid’s outfit all morning and had me cleaning the floors, reminding me of the slave I was because, apparently, I’d forgotten.

He’d abused me, and after I cried about it, I ripped the stupid outfit from my body in defiance. My fear of being naked around him was gone because the rancid creep had dressed me this morning, forgetting my underwear so he could have easy access to force his tongue inside my ass.

Now, he was upstairs, taking away my personal luxuries for my disobedience.

I waited downstairs while he did what he wanted. The thought of running away lingered, despite what Remi had said about the distance between me and anyone who would help.

It was a long way to safety.

Cedric appeared in the hallway, falling from the bottom step. His skinny legs, in my view, arms full. I rushed from the kitchen chair down the hallway just in time to see him dump my collection of stuffed animals into the fire. Beady eyes stared at me from across the room, the heat from the fire making the plastic look wet and teary.

“No!” I rushed forward as if I could save them all. Orange flames were already eating through furs of different colors.

My panda was gone.

My “I Heart Remington Cole” bear was burned to dust.
