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Cedric’s little pink victim was close to the edge. He poked her in deeper, the sharp fire poker stabbing through her burning chest.

He shook her off, turning to me with ash and embers floating through the air as he pelted me with the poker. I shrieked.

He screamed, “Get!”

“I hate you.” I reared back. My hand on the burning injury that marked my stomach. My eyes were on the little pink bear as hers melted away, and she burned to nothing.

“You’re a monster!”

“And you’re an ungrateful little slut who could have it a lot worst.”

I snorted over his bad grammar, but I didn’t correct him.

“Fuck you.”

“Is that a request? Hasn’t your cunt been fucked enough? You were at it all night.”

I didn’t tell him it was foreplay, that despite what Remi initially wanted to come here to do, he’d backed off and hadn’t put his cock near anything but my hands and tongue when I told him I wasn’t ready yet, that I wanted things to be special. Instead, I signed my own death warrant by saying, “No, it hasn’t. I can’t wait for Remi to come back.”

I stormed out of the room, my feet already three steps up the creaky stairs when Cedric whacked me across the back with the poker. The next hit brought the steel down on my ass, and I twisted before he could get ideas about shoving it inside me.

Another hit caught my ribs, and I fell down a step, the new bruise on my back catching painfully on the slat. His boots came up to meet me, kicking hard into my crotch, and I screamed.

“Now, unless you want this fucking your cunt—” He waved the poker in my tear-stained face. “I suggest you get upstairs and out of my sight!”

I ran, tripping up steps as I moved faster than my feet could carry me.

I forced my broken door into place, not wanting to see that thing when he waltzed up the stairs.

I leaned back against the door, catching my breath for a moment. Fear dragged me away to the bed, where my drawing of Rhylie hid each day beneath my pillow. I pulled back my sheets, finding her there.

Breaths of gratitude fell from me as I tucked the drawing of Rhylie into my chest, giving it a tight squeeze before placing it back under my pillow for safety.

The idea of warm water on my burns and bruises comforted me and led me to a three-hour shower, which ended up being cold and uneventful, thanks to Cedric’s removal of my body washes, shampoos, and razors.

I stepped out, done with rehashing the nightmare of the day. I wrapped a towel around me and used a smaller one to dry my hair.

A noise came from my room, setting my hackles on edge. The pink carpet welcomed my toes as I stepped from the tiles, and a whack to the back of my head took me down.

Rough fingers pulled at my towel and parted my legs. Hands dragged me across the carpet that burned my stomach.

Three fingers stabbed into my dry pussy, and I screamed.

“That’s not the noise you made for the rockstar.” Cedric’s dirty breath was in my ear, his full weight on my back. I shook him off, and he rolled across the floor, his fingers falling out of me.

Another shadow moved over me. Taller than Remi and much wider, too. He pushed me down into the carpet as I tried to rise. His giant hands parted my legs until the bones in my groin ground beneath his touch.

I shrieked with the pain of his cruel hands.

“No, no. Remi won’t like this.” My head snapped to Cedric, too scared to look at the giant leaning over me, as the sound of his zipper undoing entered my ears. “He hasn’t gone all the way yet.”

“Oh, did you lie to me, Kitty?” Cedric smiled his ugly smile. “Well, that cunt had his chance.”

“No! Please, no. I’m begging you, Cedric. You made a deal.”

Remi had told me all about that. Ten thousand per visit had made Cedric a wealthy man. Remi had told me so many other things, too. He’d even lowered his drug dosages for me, sticking to his little bears and avoiding the rice paper treats and anything just as strong. It all tested him, lowering his mood and bringing dark memories to the light. He trusted me with them. He let me try and lift him up without false highs, and it only made it harder to remember that, like these guys, Remi was a predator, too. He just looked better. Felt better. And he made me feel differently.

I could handle Remi if he teased me into consent, but I couldn’t handle this giant, with his greasy face and porn star mustache that tickled my cheek as he bit my throat until I screamed.
