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“My balls are already blue if that’s what you’re asking.”

“I can still help with that.” I shifted my body, creating a gap between us. My fingers massaged his hard cock through the denim.

His hips rose to my touch.

“But I’d like to take our time before we go all the way.”

“Can you do that?” Wrapping my fingers around him through his clothes had him moaning against my mouth. “Can you wait for me?”

“I can try?”

“Will you try hard?” I unbuttoned him. “We can still play, but I want to get to know you.”

The sound of his zipper was loud in the almost silent room, his heavy breathing the only other thing to be heard, aside from Cedric and his snoring in the next room.

“God alive. How the fuck do you sleep here?”

“He’s loud, but him out of it is my favorite time of the night.” I kissed Remi’s mouth, tonguing the seam for entry.

With his help, I got his jeans down, designer underwear hanging with them at his knees.

“Let’s not talk about him.”

“Let’s not, or my balls will be staying blue.”

“You okay with just this…taking things slowly?” Removing my touch, I waited for his answer.

“Yes. God, yes. Just don’t stop fucking touching me.” He dragged me back into a kiss.

Skilled fingers moved from the back of my head to the front of my body, slipping under my nightdress and groping a heavy breast.

I moaned, wishing our circumstances were different.

Wishing he was different.

Wishing I wasn’t acting out a fantasy and nothing more.

Fingers trailed down my abdomen, dipping inside lace panties that were sticking to me with my unwanted arousal.

“So wet for me, and I haven’t even touched you yet.”

My pussy lips parted, welcoming his fingers as he teased my entrance.

Removing his hand from me, he took his fingers to his lips. My own scent, so close to my nose, as my eyes followed his actions.

My breathing hiked, watching the way his tongue moved, taking in my taste. The flush of excitement on his tanned cheeks. The glint in his eyes. I was already coming apart for him, my hand tightening around his cock, when his fingers pushed inside me. Hard and deep on the first thrust, he forced me to take him to the knuckles.

His digits hooked inside me, feeling over something that had me mewling in his lap.

“Oh, Remi.”

“Good girl…taking both fingers at once in your virginal cunt. I can’t wait to see how you’ll take my cock.”

“But you will wait, right?” I asked, my hand moving slow and torturous, his doing the opposite, rocking me fast and hard.

“I’ll wait for you.”

Good, because that was the only way to make my plan work.
