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“I noticed.”

“The night is young, though.”

“Don’t take more tonight, Remi. Don’t be high when you visit me.”

“Why not?”

“Because I’m asking you not, too.”

Careening from the window to face him on the bed, I took a step in his direction.

“You know, there were raccoons out there last night.”

“Oh, how sweet.” A smile lifted his lips. “You were close with your own kind.”

“Aren’t you funny.” I continued moving closer. “How do you remember calling me a raccoon?”

“I remember everything when it comes to you.”

“That’s cute.”

My plan was set in motion.

Climbing onto the bed, I intentionally sat close—a single breath between us.

Golden eyes examined me, stealing details as his pencil glided across the page, adding shading and his finger following to cast shadows.

“Is it me?” I peered over the pad, seeing a warrior princess with two-tone eyes and a pouty mouth.

“It’s almost perfect.”

“I love it.” He was a good artist. I already knew that. “Do I get to keep this one?”

“No. This one is for me.”

The plan was working.

No one kept pictures of someone they didn’t care about. They certainly didn’t spend hours hand-drawing them.

And Remi had been here for hours.

Taking the pad from his hands and the pencil, I leaned over him, pressing my body into his as my mouth landed just off his.

“I shouldn’t still want you,” I whispered, the lie perfected by my acting skills. “I should hate you.”


“But I don’t.”

Long fingers wrapped around me, pulling me into his lap. He kissed me again. His big hands guided my body over his hardening cock.

“Are you in a rush?” I breathed out.

“I’m here until morning. I don’t have anything planned tomorrow. But my cat likes his breakfast by ten.”

My laugh was mocked by a raised eyebrow.

“I’m sorry, but that’s cute. What I actually meant was, are you in a rush to do things…me and you?”
