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Slowly, I moved between her legs, and hesitation caught up. Her pussy was open and exposed to me, taunting, teasing, fucking torturing me.

A voice of reason, coming from beneath the heavy weight of drugs, screamed out, Remi, what the fuck are you doing? She isn’t alert. She told you she didn’t want this.

“She wants me,” I replied. “Girls always want me.”

I shifted her leg, widening the gap between her thighs as I positioned myself closer to her cunt, my finger gliding gently over her clit.

She didn’t murmur, her voice stolen by the drugs. My decency, also, stolen by drugs. My body trembled with the need to put my mouth on her. To dip my tongue inside her and taste her.

“I can’t help it. I need you. You’re just another drug.”

Unable to stop myself, I ignored my own voice as it protested from somewhere inside me. Her delicious scent pulled me closer, and I kissed and licked my way around her pretty pink folds, amplifying the ache in my cock and the need to push it inside her.

I angled my mouth, the piercing in my lip dancing across her little clit before I moved lower, pressing my tongue into her cunt.

In and out, I moved slowly, kissing her pretty pussy with so much love that I could no longer see this for what it was…fucking rape. I could no longer hear the voice that objected to it. I could only hear the moans falling from my mouth and the rush of each heavy breath coming through Cat’s lips.

Control slipped, pulling my fingers to my cock, and I fisted myself, the grip tightening with each stroke.

My tongue moved faster, and I couldn’t help moaning into her as I fucked her with my tongue, harder and harder. My fingers worked in sync on my cock.

Feeling her wetness coat my tongue, I slipped out, my mouth moving to her swollen clit. My teeth clamped gently, and I sucked it between them. My effect on her sent a bolt of pleasure through me, and I moaned against her, drooling over her and lapping it back up.

What I’d fucking give to see her eyes glassed with arousal, her stare on me as my mouth worked between her legs.

My cock pulsed over the idea.

“Fuck,” I whispered around her clit, about to blow.

I slid a finger inside her, her muscles twitching with the closeness of an orgasm. I continued kissing her clit, working my finger inside her to find that perfect spot, circling until her perfect little ridge caught my fingertip. I slid out, returning with two fingers, stretching her tight virginal cunt with the digits.

I twitched again.

I rubbed her G-spot, fucking her slow and hard, my fingers coaxing her body to orgasm without her knowing fuck all about it. Her tight cunt pulsed around my fingers, wetness leaking down them.

I fucking loved it, and I didn’t stop until I was sure she had.

My mouth watered as I sat up and pulled my fingers from inside her, placing them on my tongue, sucking away the taste of her pussy as my grip on my cock tightened, demanding cum from my balls.

Spurt after spurt, I aimed at her pretty pussy, liking how my cum looked leaking into her slit.

With a trembling hand, I pushed my cum inside her. “I fucking claim you.” I laughed.

Two fingers slid through more of my release and pushed it deeper until I was buried to the knuckles. “Mine. Always fucking mine.”

I leaned over her, my knees weak, rubbing those same two fingers along her perfect pout, glossing her lips in time for a kiss that sealed the deal.

My body collapsed at her side, fascinated by the brutal rise and fall of her chest. I watched it for minutes, and then something claimed me…blackness.

Chapter 56


Iwoke to a heaviness sitting on my chest, a lowly breath squeaking out of me. Sucking in a large gulp of air, the smell in the room became sickening to my stomach.

Earth. Dirt. Genitals. Ass.

My fingers brushed over my sticky lips, the dank air from the hallway making them dry and uncomfortable. The blanket was pulled up to my throat, a dirty outline of my body staining the top.
