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“Remi, no.” Useless hands pushed me away.

I was stupid to think she wouldn’t remember my voice. The fact that she did should have been my queue to leave, but instead, I popped another button, revealing a second pajama top beneath. In tandem, I undid enough buttons for her tits to spill out.

“No,” she mumbled again.

But I couldn’t pull my hands away from her. I couldn’t stop.

“No, babe, don’t say no. You’ll enjoy this, I promise.” My tongue roamed her body, from her jaw down to an erect nipple that I sucked into my mouth. My fingers pawed her flesh, squeezing as I sucked harder.

A gentle moan slipped through those big, kissable lips and spurred me on. I moaned, too, and my teeth pulled her nipple a little too hard, puncturing the skin.

Her head shifted from side to side, sluggish words falling from her lips as her head rolled off her pillow. “I don’t want it.”

“No, you do.” I lapped up the bead of blood, squeezing her breast until another formed. “You wanted me, remember? Remember how you rode my crotch? How you begged for more?” My hips rocked forward, pressing the ache between my legs against the wet bed and nothing more.

Wet…I could get her wet for me. Soaking, like she had been that night we first met.

“I don’t want it.” She pushed at my face, soft nails leaving scratches that would fade to nothing.

Unbuckling my belt, I pulled it from my body, the leather whipping through the air, kissing her flesh.

She hissed.

I yanked her arms away, inconsiderate of the one that had obvious broken bones. The leather pressed into both wrists as I bound her to the bed, popping a new hole in my belt to do it.

“I do.” All inhibitions were gone, my morals, too, as I unzipped myself, unable to fight the urges. “Kiss me.”

She was no longer able to talk, no longer able to object where my lips traveled.

Her chest still rose and fell, fast and hard.

Multiple pairs of pajama bottoms landed on the floor. Her socks were next to leave her body, and something—a piece of paper—fell out of one of them. I couldn’t pay that attention right now. I couldn’t wait, and I couldn’t think about why she had so many damn layers of clothing on because I couldn’t stand the pressure of my thickening cock, straining against my pants. My clothes—every fucking thing I wore—landed on top of hers.

I popped another button, having no tolerance for the rest. Hovering above her, hands on each side of both of her shirts, I ripped them open.

Her panties were next to go to the floor before I could even glance to admire how they looked on her sexy, naked body.

I yanked her torn shirts away, unable to stand the rancid smell of the bog outside creeping up my nose as I descended on her.

The needle snapped in her arm as I ripped through the sleeves. The little barrel dropped to the floor and rolled somewhere.

But I didn’t care, didn’t think of it anymore.

I revered the image of her naked body, laid out before me, soft and silky and shaven.

She looked fucking delicious.

A gentle moan escaped her as she subconsciously tried to fight off the drug invading her senses and me as my fingers parted her pussy lips.

“I don’t know what it is…but there’s just something about you,” I whispered into her ear, the hot breath dwelling on her skin as I sucked the lobe into my mouth.

Sliding down her neck with my tongue, leaving kisses in my shadow, her nipples begged for more attention. I traced one with a pointed finger and flicked the other with licks of my tongue.

Coasting lower, I peppered her stomach with wet kisses.

It was devastating to my ears that she wasn’t moaning for me.

“I wish you were awake. Alert. Willing.” And I didn’t realize how much until I said the words.
