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My vagina felt sticky, too—used.

The thought of Cedric doing that after what he’d done last night made me feel ill, as did being back in this house.

How did I get here?

Think, think, think.

The little panda teddy was on one side of me. The pink “I Heart Remington Cole” bear on the other.


I’d seen him in my room.

He wasn’t here now, gawking back at me with golden eyes as I examined each detail of the room.

The heaviness in my chest invited a brutal stabbing pain, and I winced.

The little pink sexual assault victim that Cedric had humped stared up at me from the bottom of the bed with sympathy as I worked to control my breathing, massaging the center of my chest. I saw it through blurred vision, the room around me spinning.

Moments went by, and an annoying buzz was in my ears, drowning out the bunny clock.

The burden on my chest eased a little. My vision cleared, showing so much pink.

I sat up too quickly, giving myself a headache. The sheets fell to my waist, and I snatched them back up to my throat, hiding my naked body. The buzz in my ears subsided, alerting me to Cedric and his poor choice of music drifting down the hall.

“You’re up.” He appeared at the door he’d broken, slumping against the frame in another—or the exact same—pair of vomit-colored shorts. “It’s about damn time. I was starting to worry. I thought nothing would ever wake you up.”

The bunny clock told me it was close to four in the afternoon. The bright sun outside confirmed that it wasn’t just a lazy battery, and it was, in fact, afternoon.

The wooden window was closed, with six-inch nails ensuring it stayed that way and preventing future escape attempts.

Why did I have to be found?

Cedric saw that question in my eyes. “We can’t have you escaping no more. You’re lucky I’m not punishing you, Kitty.”

“You already did.” I fisted the blanket tighter.

“Right. You’ll miss dinner for that attitude, and it’s your favorite.”

I honestly wouldn’t have known what he was cooking if it wasn’t for the scent of potatoes and carrots climbing the stairs, making me feel sick. I hated everything I ever had to eat here but hated the stew the most after last night.

I cast a hollow glare his way.

“Don’t be making me cancel breakfast, too.”

I guess he’ll have to put the damp cereal in the trash instead.

I rolled my eyes, and he saw it but didn’t see the image that caught my attention.

A new note.

I’m glad you missed me.

You are always on my mind.

“Oh, well. That’s on you, Kitty. I like me a skinnier woman, anyway. Also, if my fingers and mouth are going near it, I’d prefer you not shave your pussy. That was a surprise I didn’t enjoy last night.” Cedric left my doorway before I looked back over, and the space felt brighter without him.

My eyes returned to the note, and for some reason, the lack of a flower at the side annoyed me almost as much as being back in this fucking room that he, Remi, had brought me back to.
