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I wouldn’t talk until he was gone.

“I gotta put you on hold.” He did that and showed me with a flash of his filthy screen. Cat on the stage was his background, and it had my nostrils flaring.

“I asked you a question, boy. Why are you in my house?”

“I’m your ghost.” My smile grew. “It was quite amusing playing that role. I never anticipated the fear.”

“Don’t you have shows to be doing?”

“Yeah…I canceled the international tour. The fans aren’t happy. Alerion isn’t, either.”

“Alerion Rubbichon is never all that happy.” Cedric knew him personally and pretty well. I’d learned that recently. I didn’t know how or when they met, but it went back a while.

“Oh, I don’t know. He’s relatively content when shoving his cock in some young boy’s ass.”

Cedric’s eyes told me he knew what I meant, that I’d been one of those young boys. “You’re haunted, too.”

“Oh, I am.” I took another drink, the ugly taste making my tongue furry. “Tell Badeaux you made a mistake. That you’re keeping Cat.”


“Well, for starters, I’m no fucking ghost.”

“No. You’re a fucking lunatic who’s been breaking into my house and wandering around like you fucking own it. Defacing it and whatnot! I don’t want that, either!”

“I’ll control myself.” I laughed because I couldn’t do that when it came to Cat. If I could, I’d be somewhere in Europe right now.

“Why’d you do it?”

“For her.” I took another drink, my hand shaking as I put down the can. “I just can’t stay away, and I’ve tried.”

“Well, you have to. Your job is done!”

“No, I have presents to deliver.” I squeezed the bear, wiggling him in the air.

“What are you, fucking Santa Claus?”

Silence dwelled between us, and then the conversation turned. “I don’t want you touching her, and I don’t know why. I just don’t.”

“She belongs to me. I have the papers to prove it. You just lead them in, Decoy.”

“Papers are all you have. But she was born for me. Mine, regardless of papers. And I never wanted her in. I wanted her for myself.”

“Then you should have bought her for yourself.”

“Oh, I tried.”

“Well, she’s not for sale now. And, was you wanting her for yourself before or after you sold her out for a bag of coke? It was on her notes that she’d captured your interest. I just thought that was it. I didn’t think you’d actually stalk my fucking house to the point I thought it was damn haunted.”

My jaw ticked, the feeling—and the man in front of me—annoying me. “You’d think that would be it, wouldn’t you?”

“Well, yeah. What do you even expect from being here?”

“How about a rental agreement?”

“What is that?”

“I pay you, and you let me visit her…whenever I want.” Because I was quickly learning that once wouldn’t be enough. “You were willing to give her back. I’m sure letting her have a few hours with me every so often won’t kill you.” Refusing might.
