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“I don’t have to agree to that. Badeaux is on the line.” Cedric smirked. “I could get him here to remove you.”

“I’m not afraid of him,” I lied…as the Devil’s righthand man, he could end my career, and I was afraid of that.

“One word from him, and Alerion will be back up your ass, reminding you who you belong to.”

I laughed, the sound cold and hollow to my ringing ear. “I’m not that kid anymore. And he needs me more than I do him.”

“Not if you’re canceling fucking shows.”

“Canceling shows to be here, lining your pockets. Badeaux and Alerion never have to know. And you’ll become a very rich man. All you have to do is say yes.” Another swig made my can empty. “And stay away from her cunt, because I don’t want her tasting like you when I put my mouth down there.”

“Yeah, it’s gonna cost you a lot to stop me fucking the slave I paid for.”

“Everything has a price.”

“I want ten thousand for every visit.”

I laughed. Idiot. I’d have paid a million.

“You bring the money tomorrow night, and I won’t interrupt while you’re in her room. We got a deal?”

“We got a deal.”

“Then you get the fuck out of here and go get my money, boy.”

“First, Badeaux.” I raised an eyebrow in his direction. “And make it believable.”

He returned to the call with the flick of a button. “Sorry. I think I’m talking shit. I’m on a bad fucking trip…” His words were slow. He played his role well. “Yes, yes, I want to keep her. Talk to me when I’m sober, for fuck’s sake, Badeaux. The world is fucking wrong tonight.”

He hung up, and I stood up, gripping the bear around the throat.

“You want me to take that upstairs?”

“No. I’ll bring it when I return. But take the warning.” I squeezed the stuffed toy’s throat as I loomed over Cedric, and then I stepped around him and out the door before he shit himself.

Chapter 54


Cedric appeared in my dark room, and the orange glow from the hallway entered with him until he closed the door. He pulled the chain of my lamp, his eyes going to the bears lining the bottom of my bed and not me, standing a small distance away, staring at a new, bigger bear out in the field. Its white “I Heart Remington Cole” T-shirt was a stark contrast to its cerise fur.

Once upon a time, I’d have paid anything for one of those t-shirts.

Cedric sneered beneath the wispy hairs of his mustache, then called my attention from the bizarre choice of bear, by saying, “Our plans have changed. You’re not leaving.”

“I’m not?”

“No. Ghosts aren’t fucking real.” He was examining a bear—the pink one that matched the room, probably wondering where on earth they’d all come from.

I nodded, remaining quiet. My gaze steered back out to the bear, suspicions growing as I searched the land for the man who had left him there.

“Come on over here, Kitty Cat.”

Cedric sat on my bed, his dirty hands rubbing vigorously against his crotch with the pink bear. The sight shocked me, and air stalled in my lungs, like they were trying to kill me before the most awful thing happened.

“What are you doing?” I stupidly asked as his hips rocked against the stuffed toy I’d never again touch.

My toy…my gift.
