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The shadow never responded, and three nights passed without a word.

You gone quiet on me, Shadow Man?

Sleep was a struggle that night, and when it finally came, I woke earlier than usual, while it was still dark, to a loud noise and more disappointment. I wrote another note.

You haven’t written to me in days,

and you haven’t got the bear right yet.

And I miss your pretty handwriting and your company.

Sound emanated from downstairs, and I followed it to the kitchen, where Cedric was hacking away at the wall with a screwdriver, of all things.

“What’s going on?”

“I can’t look at it anymore. And every time I think whatever it is that’s haunting us has gone, it fucking comes back. I’m sorry, Kitty. You gotta go. Whatever it is, it’s attached to you.”

“Nothing has happened for days,” I tried to argue.

“It happened tonight. I was about to call into your room to check on you. You haven’t been out much, and I thought maybe you were upset about the dating profile, not that you should be, because I showed her the real me, and now the fucking slut doesn’t want to meet!”

“What happened tonight?” I completely dismissed everything else he said.

“I went to open your door, and then there was a noise down the hall. My door opening and slamming, and I can’t take it anymore. I had no idea what you’d be bringing with you when you came to stay.” He paused, turning to face me, pointing at me with his screwdriver. “I need you to go upstairs and wait. I have a call to make.”

“You’re sending me away?”

“Go upstairs and wait.”

Wait for worse things to happen.

Chapter 53


Cedric rushed through the hallway after leading Cat to the stairs and pushing her up the first three. His voice stuttered as he spoke quickly to the person on the phone.

“I need her gone. Something is here. Something is haunting her. It’s in my house. I don’t want nothing like that in my house!”

The lights flickered, darkness cascading, and he fell over my outstretched legs.

He didn’t look like a monster today, just a weasel. However, maybe that was because I had taken fewer drugs and drank less alcohol. My whole body twitched because of it.

“What the fu—” he was cut off as the lights came back on.

I slurped from a can of cheap soda that I’d helped myself to when I realized he was out of alcohol, coffee, or anything else that packed a punch. I sat at his table with a teddy bear on my lap and the hood of a basic sweatshirt up.

“Good morning, Cedric.” I mouthed, then smiled, not wanting the other person to hear me.

“Who the fuck are you?”

He wasn’t a fan. I’d learned that. He favored pop stars, probably because so many of them were females in skimpy clothes.

I pulled back the hood, revealing myself.

“You! What the fuck are you doing here in my house?”

I pointed to the phone and the person on there, who was likely babbling. Badeaux, the gold toothed bastard, I guessed—he dealt with this kinda shit.
