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“The device for his ears. It’s there on the table. The black thing.”

I heard no words from their conversation, just hushed sounds. Their mouths moved, speaking an almost silent language. It was alien to me.

I swallowed, wondering if my career was going to go down the fucking toilet. All for one fucking girl, who I still was fucking thinking about as I lay on this uncomfortable fucking table.

A light emanated from the otoscope, shining down into my ear and revealing the damage to the doctor.

“There is some trauma. How you feeling?” he reeled back, giving me room to sit up.

I looked right into his face, and waited for him to repeat himself.

“This ear is ringing,” I said, poking the left.

“That’s the tinnitus. Use your spray to help with that. It may come and go from time to time.”

Tinnitus, the thing he’d diagnosed first before tweezing out the pieces of glass from the ear that needed more attention.

“And the other ear?”

“I can’t hear anything. It’s all fuzzy.”

“I’m hoping that isn’t permanent.”

Fuck, me too, Doc.

“But I’d like you to come back in a few days to run some tests. In the meantime, I’ll arrange for some medication that might help. It’ll reduce the inflammation. Hopefully, that will help with the hearing issues.”

“Yeah. Great. Appreciated.” I barely heard my own answer.

I followed Daniel to the door, where he held it open. His thin lips moved to the words, “Ladies first.”

I stepped out into the silence, not even hearing my boots pad the floor as I took a few steps, my body halting in the shadow of what came out of the next room—a monster dressed in a fancy suit. He pulled a rope—a leash—that was snuggly tied around a young woman’s neck.

Bright red hair protected her skin from the blisters it would cause as he yanked again.

Her small hands clutched the rope as she choked.

Daniel stepped up behind me, his hand on my shoulder, ready to drag me in the other direction.

“Cat…” I whispered, without even thinking.

Her dipped chin lifted, and she spun to me, hurting herself on that rope.

Her chest raced beneath a battered tank top that all the girls were given here. It slipped down low on one breast.

My hand reached across the space between us, trying to adjust the garment and cover her modesty, but she pulled back so quickly that her feet slipped on the tiles, and she fell on her ass with a thud. The thick rope tightened around her neck, and the creep holding it didn’t bother to loosen it when panic ran up her body, forcing her own arms to squeeze inside the cord, her nails scraping her skin as she desperately tried to prevent strangulation.

Breaths rushed out in a flurry upon succeeding.

Her eyes flew up, zooming past me to Daniel at my side.

“Where is she?” she asked, then demanded. “Where is she!”

Daniel smiled. “Forget your past, Cat, and the people in it. It will help.”

“Fuck you! I’ll never forget!” she spat, and actual spit flew from her mouth. “I want to see my sister!”

Her hand moved from her throat to the hem of her tank, pulling it down and hiding the mess of dry blood staining the underside of her thighs. My eyes roved down her body, snagging in that area as she pushed herself up on trembling legs.
