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And I tried to wait out this procedure in peace, ignoring every scream.

“Did Rubbichon stop by?”

My glare turned colder, and Daniel felt the chill rush around the room.


“What did he have to say?”

“He didn’t like my new cat.”

“Is that some kind of joke?” Daniel’s lips moved quickly, making them hard to read.

“No. I got a kitten last night.” A fluffy black and white thing that Catharina had deemed the cutest thing on earth—after me—while on our way to the limo. He was still hanging around when I returned. Hungry and crying for food. So, I took him in and shared takeout with him. And he was still curled up on my bed when I left this morning.

“You what? Why? You know what, fuck all that. What else did Rubbichon say?”

I tried to remember.

I arrived back at my trailer in a fucking cab from the city, which I’d walked half a mile to, because I didn’t want to wait for the limo to get an emergency repair. I still chewed those gummies, letting my Chinese food turn cold in the bag, and after roughly an hour, I started to feel the effects of them, falling down the curb in front of the vehicle that took me to my trailer.

Of course, the Devil himself was there waiting. His burned face and beady eyes set on me and the cat in my arms the second I opened the door.

He wasn’t happy and didn’t hide his irritation like he usually would behind a sinister smile.

“What the fuck do you want?” I asked, after the mini heart attack I got from seeing him there on my couch, still messed up from my foreplay, followed by the giggles that took some time to subside.

Funnily enough, I didn’t remember anything after that.

“No fucking clue.”

“He wasn’t happy. The girls were punished for it.”

I remained still and unmoving.

“He came to see them in the early hours,” Daniel continued. “Poor Rhylie cried the most. I actually feel bad about her.”


“So bad, I decided to comfort her when he was done.” Daniel laughed. “You know, stroke her hair…and other things. I need to up my game a little. The only name she called out was her fucking sister’s. I wonder how she’s doing.”

Daniel careened to me, his inquisitive stare questioning me.

“Who knows? I can’t even remember what she fucking looks like, man.”

I was a liar, too, because that long and silky red hair had been whipping me throughout a dozen sex dreams last night. Those big eyes, one blue and one green, watched as I pleasured myself. White splashes of cum on her tanned skin, dripping off those perfect tits.

Years of practice taught me how to school my breathing. Daniel would never know that my heart felt like exploding in my chest as it gently rose and fell. The calm expression on my face wouldn’t give me away, either. The blood rushing to my cock, causing a slight throb and noticeable swelling, was another fucking story.

Feeling no shame, I adjusted myself in front of the men in the room.

A buzzing echoed in the distance, another laugh from Daniel. My heart hammered a little harder again because my hearing was fucked, and the realization that it could be permanent was setting in.

“Got it. That’s the last of them.” Rolland eyed the tiny shard on the tip of his tweezers before ditching it onto a silver tray with the others, all coated in my blood like little warriors in battle.

Rolland clicked his fingers, snapping orders at Daniel. “Otoscope.”

“What the fuck is that?” Daniel’s face was purely perplexed. His posh boy accent sounded muffled and indistinguishable from anything else.
