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“What the fuck?” I asked like I didn’t know what went on in these places.

But it felt different this time, especially seeing the pain in her eyes when her gaze locked with mine.

“How could you do this to me? I was a fan. I was your biggest fan. I wanted better for you. I dreamed about you. I loved you.”

A knife twisted in my black heart, and for the first time in years. I felt something…guilt?

I didn’t like them fucking touching her. I fucking hated it.

“And you did this. You put me here. You took the last little pieces of me and gave them to people who would destroy them…in exchange for a bag of drugs.”

My eyes stopped following her lips, moving down her body again, not liking the feeling of her pain grating on my soul. I was shocked that she’d voiced her feelings.

“I’m bleeding from behind. From inside—”

I switched off, not hearing her as I watched a red tear roll down her leg and get closer to the ground.

The man holding her leash spoke up, interrupting her, “Well, if you were better behav—”

My anger couldn’t be contained. My whole body tensed, and just as he was about to yank her again, my fingers wrapped around his throat and I slammed him into the wall.

“What the fuck did you do to her!”

“Get off him, Remington,” Daniel warned, but he didn’t dare touch me when I was in a bad mood. I’d learned of his cowardly ways long ago.

My doctor and the blonde frizzy-haired nurse stayed in their rooms.

The creep, who wasn’t important enough for me to remember his name, despite having heard it dozens of fucking times, tightened his fingers around the leash, sensing Cat was a weakness for me, after realizing I had no other weaknesses. None of that stopped his fists pounding at my chest, stomach, nose—causing it to bleed—and my fucking ear, and that still didn’t stop my grip from tightening around his throat.

The ringing got louder.

“Drop the fucking leash.” I gave him one chance, positioning my hands to snap his neck if he refused. “I won’t tell you again.”

The pads of my fingers pushed into his sweaty skin, feeling the racing pulse below that shouldn’t be fucking thrumming.

I pulled him forward and slammed him back, and the wall behind him left a lump on his head that I prayed would internally bleed and kill him, saving me the job of doing it later.

He dropped the rope.

“Why does it matter to you?” he wheezed.

My gaze flicked to Cat, demanding she run and as fast as fuck. Her long legs moved back a single step before she took my silent message and literally fucking ran with it. Her hair traveled behind her as she rushed through the corridor. Another man came from somewhere, saw her escape attempt, and, within a second, was close on her trail. His hand reached out to clutch at her hair or the rope still around her neck, and he did. A weave of orange wrapped around his fist and pulled her to the ground. That pulled me from my all-too-real daydream and back to reality—where she stood in front of me with the rope still around her neck.

I blinked in her image in front of me before stepping around her, Daniel following because the truth was, she wasn’t worth screwing my career up for.

Was she?

Chapter 48

Catharina – twelve weeks later

Itrotted across the stage in the highest heels that scuffed the shiny floor as I struggled in the stilettos, my legs reminding me too much of a baby deer taking its first steps.

And just like many baby deer struggling to keep up with their bevy, I was in the headlamps of a killer.

But these killers weren’t behind the wheels of hefty vehicles.

They were in tinted glass booths, so I couldn’t see the monsters placing their bids on me or any of the other girls like me, dressed in nothing.
