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He had Rhylie.

She’d been here.

The room spun in my vision as I took in all the places she wasn’t.

She’d been here.

She’d left.

She’d needed me.

And I needed her.

I told her tonight wouldn’t cost us anything. But it cost us more than we could ever imagine.

It would cost us our lives.

Chapter 47


“Rhylie...” I croaked beyond dry lips. My eyes blinked open to a medical room, clean and white, with tools laid out on a silver stand.

I didn’t remember how I got to this place. Or where it was.

It looked like a hospital of sorts.

Bright lights cast their beams on my face, trying to blind me from above.

Nothing had numbed the pain I felt. My lips were cracked from forceful intrusions, my throat was sore from body parts hitting the back of it multiple times, and my butt hurt as I lay on it. I’d bled a little last night. I saw the blood running down my legs when reality came crashing down. A thumping continued in my head, the shadow of unwanted drugs hurting me some more.

I tried to shield my burning eyes from the bright lights, but my wrists were strapped to the bed. My legs were restrained, too, and a man I didn’t recognize stood between them, admiring what he could see of my naked body.

My heavy head lolled to the side.

“About time you woke up.” He tapped an expensive-looking watch with a blue-ticking hand. The ticking sound grew louder in my head, reminding me of the beating I’d earned from the monster in a Blue Suit for trying to escape. And the one I received later from the monster with gold teeth for trying to murder his minion by stabbing him in the leg with that big ass key.

Was any of it real?

“Were the monsters real?” I wondered aloud, my voice so quiet, I barely heard it.

But the man in the room did, and he laughed in response, before stating, “Yeah, the devil, too.”

His fingers tickled my toes, and I tried to move from his touch, the restraints preventing it. He enjoyed the sight of my discomfort, of my struggle. He moved higher, two fingers moving over my shin, to behind my knee, to the underside of my thigh. I bucked, my body leaving the bed before I realized what a mistake that was.

“Oh, don’t worry, princess, I’ll get there.”

Two fingers smeared my dry vagina, rubbing from slit to clit just to make me feel uncomfortable. My body, luckily, did not fucking react.

“Oh, you’re one of those who require extra work, huh?”

He spat on his fingers, and I tensed, awaiting the painful intrusion. His hand neared, and I stupidly tried to get away again. A stray tear fell as memories of last night flooded inside me.

My body remembered the pain, and it felt so much worse this time when unwanted body parts were rammed inside me, stabbing areas that were already mangled.

The door pushed open, and with big steps, in waltzed a woman in a long white coat…her and the screams from other rooms—terrified girls and boys protesting against the wrongdoings being done to them.

The man stepped away from me, wiping my lack of arousal and blood on the inside of his jacket.
