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I stared at my vomit, listening to the stories of horror it now told, too.

I lost myself to dark fantasies, not even feeling as Dirty Damiano pelted the bruises on my naked back with his filthy ejaculate.

I vomited again.

The bitter taste of orange urine splashed my lolling tongue before I had the sense to close my mouth. Drops of horrible-tasting piss fell from my chin, and my tears followed.

And then, not being able to take another second of this, I collapsed in our combined mess.

“Gotta take a piss after you come.” Mr. American laughed.

Gold Teeth clapped, leaving his unfinished drink and his perch near the bar. “I think she’s ready to listen now.”

He tossed his creased suit jacket to the creep in blue and unbuttoned his pants.

Mr. American and Dirty Damiano hoisted me up, bringing me face to face with Gold Teeth and his prodigy as cum dripped down my spine.

It was one of the worst moments of my life, and yet a laugh fell through my lips—one I had no control over.

I shouldn’t find anything funny right now, but there were seconds of amusement between so much pain, thanks to Remi, who had given me that extra candy.

He’d given me drugs.

He’d said they would help.

He was right about the drugs and Pencil Dick, too.

And then a brutal punch to my stomach blasted sense into me. My knees prepared for the impact of crashing down to the carpet, but the hands, tight around my biceps, kept me upright .

I saw life in front of my eyes how it should be…bleak and horrible because I was in a grim situation.

Monsters moved in, circling me. They stopped one on each side of me. My eyes rushed from side to side, causing a headache to form behind them.

A slithering tongue licked my tears. Gold Teeth kissed my mouth, his smokey taste heavy on my tongue.

I hated it. Hated him.

Blue suit tormented my ear—his tongue, long, like his penis, dipped inside places he wasn’t welcome.

“You…” Gold Teeth smiled. “I saw how he looked at you. You could become a new addiction. Good thing that his other addictions are stronger. And it’s a good thing I had a bribe on hand.”

I could be an addiction…for Remi?

If my brain hadn’t twisted the sinister words into something else—something colorful and promising—I’d have seen them for what they were.

The cruel, cold, hard truth.

As I tasted another poison kiss, both horrible men fighting for my mouth, all I thought of was Remi and how different he could be without drug bribes because I knew firsthand now, how much drugs could alter a perception.

My cruel mind taunted me that he wouldn’t get over this.

And my world fell apart.

Fingers shoved inside me, my vagina and ass feeling full and stretched as both men molested me at once. They pumped, and their cocks grew.

“You taking the mouth or the ass, this time?” Gold Teeth asked as if the younger one held the power.

“I wasn’t done with her mouth. I’ll take that.” He laughed, and then the bloodstained carpet was ripped out from beneath me with his next words. “Though she doesn’t suck cock as well as her sister.”
