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“You’re a fucking pig!”

“I take it you don’t like pigs?”

The creep’s lust-filled eyes glistened more than my brow, soaked with perspiration.

I tugged at the restraints again, feeling the fear from everyone else slipping into me from every exposed cavity. The harsh leather cut into my wrists as I tried to wiggle them free.

“Enough of that!” the woman barked, but she wasn’t talking to the creep taunting me. She was talking to me. “It’s not like your weak methods will actually work.” She kicked a wheeled stool between my legs, then gave the pervert his marching orders. “Shoo. Out of my way.” Her accent was thick. Spanish, if I were to guess.

She snapped on a black pair of latex gloves and clutched a scary tube-shaped tool from the table.

I thrashed, but I couldn’t escape. The leather cuffs hurt me, bruising my ankles as well as my wrists.

“Please don’t. Please.” She ignored me, and that resulted in anger pushing away my fear. “You’re a woman! How can you do this? What is wrong with you?”

She rolled her eyes. “Hold her body down. She’s too wriggly.”

The man smiled, his dirty blond hair falling into his eyes. His rough fingers flattened to my stomach, and I melted into the perfect position for the doctor, or whoever the hell she was, to insert the scary tube-shaped thing.

“Where is this one from? It’s wild.” She regarded me like I was some kind of unwanted creature she found and offered into her home, only to have regrets.

“The latest Remington Cole show.” The man’s other hand made it onto my body, and I hissed when his calloused fingers found my nipple and pinched.

His hands looked older than his face as the bright lights shone down on a shiny forehead, hinting at a love of Botox.

Probing fingers came into contact with my vagina, and cold gel made me jump. Plastic pushed against my entrance, and I tensed with another unwelcome intrusion.

The woman didn’t care. Her head dipped, and all I saw of her was a tight ponytail and the fuzzy strands from over-bleaching.

Discomfort spread through me as the blonde’s swab probed me for STDs.

I shifted. Her skinny fingers dug into a purple bruise near my knee. I found her eyes on me, warning me to behave before she looked at her companion with a sinister smile.

A promise for him.

A threat to me.

And feeling the weight of her unsaid words, I liquefied against the bed and let her finish what she was doing. I cringed the whole time, but I kept quiet. I wouldn’t invite more punishments on myself.

My head twisted away, focusing on the noises in other rooms.

Silence came from the right. The screaming woman who’d gone through what I was had been taken away, led into the next part of her nightmare.

The left side of the room barely echoed with low hums. Voices talking, deep and raspy—men or monsters? They were too calm for innocent people who shouldn’t be here.

Nothing like me, because even as I lay silent, my heart assaulted my ribs, threatening me with death.

And for the first time ever, I prayed for death.

“I’m done for now.” The blonde snapped off her gloves. “I won’t tell anyone if you use her mouth and ass. I know you’re clean.”

The man nodded, stealing her sinister smile and plastering it on his own face.

“When you’re done, I’ll need you to hold her. I have to put the tracker in her neck.”

“No!” I screamed. “Please. I don’t want this life.”

“No one does, sweetheart.” The creep laughed, unbuckling the first of my legs.
