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Colors meshed before my eyes, the room becoming a blur. I didn’t see the footsteps of the men moving from their seats. I didn’t know what washed over me when they tipped their drinks over my head, dampening my curls. The yellow-tinted alcohol dripped to the floor, my tears mingling with each drop, racing them to the ground.

“Do you want to take her first?” Gold Teeth asked Blue Suit. “Only the back end or the mouth, but you can decide which.”

I heard it all, loud and clear, and I felt the dirt seep into my blood as the monster in blue dug his nails into my hips and pulled me back, making his choice.

I didn’t fight him, biding my time. I sucked in a breath, but fresh air had abandoned me.

His zipper was undone behind me, and something in my groin crunched with the force of my legs being yanked apart. I froze. This feeling was so different from earlier. I felt in control then. I felt nothing now. Nothing but fear holding me to the ground for these monsters to abuse.

Forceful fingers dipped into my underwear, and the grip ripped them from my body. They fell to the floor, hanging around one leg in a tattered mess.

A chill slapped my ass as my dress was hiked up to reveal my curves.

“No…” I pleaded, but it fell on deaf ears.

The slimy, bulbous head of a penis pushed against my puckered hole, and it hurt before even entering me.

“I wonder what lover boy would think of this?” the creep behind me said, his accent heavier with lust.

I didn’t feel that. All I felt was hate and the first centimeter of his shaft testing my tightness.

I tensed.

“He doesn’t care about me,” I stuttered.

“He doesn’t care about anyone. Remi has a Michael Myers complex,” someone corrected. Someone named Damiano, who was rewarded for his quick wit with a pat on the shoulder.

The creep in blue draped himself over me, his fingers slinking around me and down my stomach to my clit and dry vagina. He rubbed between the two, and I felt nothing.

Just invasion.

And I hated it. I hated this.

With a raspy voice, I said, “Remi said I’m good with my mouth. Let me show you. I’ll be good. I’ll do exactly what you want.” I played a role. I calculated a lie that I prayed he wouldn’t see through.

“Remington is an easily pleased junkie with a sex addiction. His word means shit.”

“Maybe. But he still came twice.” Lying, I dipped my head, keeping my voice meek and low as wet hair stroked the carpet, hiding the monsters before me as the blur in my vision decreased. “Let me show you. Let me please you.”

He contemplated for a minute. A minute where the other men said how amazing and tight an ass suffocating a cock felt.

Blue Suit, knowing what he liked, flipped me over, and I saw that what Remi called him was true.

“Come on, kid, we don’t have all night, and we’d all like a turn with her.”

Blue Suit didn’t object. His harsh fingers weaved through my hair, dragging me down. The angle gave the perverts in the room a good look at my private parts. I closed my eyes in shame while theirs all widened in awe at the sight of my virgin pussy.

Blue Suit’s other hand wrapped around his penis, and with another yank on my hair, he forced it into my mouth.

I had no idea what the hell to do. I bobbed my head, moving my tongue along his skin, up to the tip, where all the germs from my ass dwelled. I gagged.

Blue Suit leaned back on his feet, his grip on my hair loosening. “I knew Remington’s word wouldn’t count for shit.”

“That’s okay. I’ll teach her when you’re done. I’ve had enough pussy for one night. I’m happy to take her mouth.” Damiano chuckled.

I opened my eyes, seeing pubic hairs as they tickled my nose. My blown pupils moved from side to side, amplifying the migraine building behind them.

But I saw it…
