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The rice treat had already dissolved on my tongue.

Wrapping his fingers around my wrist, he passed me off to Gold Teeth—like I was a toy he’d grown bored with. Gold Teeth’s grip was bruising, causing painful purple marks on my skin.

He yanked me to his side, his arm slinking around my shoulders. He held me as a loving relative, rubbing his fingers over the leather jacket. It reminded me so much of how my father would hug me, yet it felt so different.

My skin crawled beneath the jacket, but his grip remained tight, preventing me from going anywhere.

The boy in blue smiled a beautiful smile my way. To the world, he’d be charming. To me, he was just another monster.

“I’ve wanted to give you one of those since the day we first met.” His eyes moved to Remi, approving of the mark on his face.

A jingle sounded as he reached into his pocket. He had the keys to let Remi out. A lengthy brass one that looked like something from a whimsical cartoon sank into the lock and released the mechanism. His long fingers pulled at the handle, and with a smug look on his face, he waved Remi out.


He could not leave without me.

One step took him closer to the freedom I knew I wouldn’t get.

My shoulders slumped with the weight of defeat.

This was suddenly too real.

And then he stopped. A golden gaze—much brighter than the fangs of the monster holding me—locked on the young man.

“What are you waiting for, Decoy?” The younger man was French, too, his accent Parisian and thick. “Get the fuck out!”

“Don’t you fucking talk to me like that.” Golden eyes met Gold Teeth. “Pencil Dick, here, doesn’t get to fucking touch her. Am I clear?”

“The glorified decoy thinks he gets a say in what happens here. All those drugs going to your head, Remington?” The young man laughed.

Every muscle in Remi’s arms flexed as his fingers pulled into two fists at his sides. Fists, I hoped, would knock out the young French man’s perfect teeth.

“He’s right, Remington. You don’t get a say in what happens here. Have you forgotten who he is?” Gold Teeth quizzed.

“No.” Remi’s head shook casually, and he answered instantly. “A stupid little boy who likes to play with his uncle’s toys.”

Remi said no more. Not to Blue Suit. Not to Gold Teeth. Not to me. He just strolled out without a single care. His heavy boots, slapping each step, echoed into this hallway until Blue Suit slammed the door.

Before I knew it, I was shuffled down the hallway between the two men, who both had fingers pressing into my biceps.

My feet stumbled over each other.

The carpet burned my exposed knees and hands as they came out to stop my face from crashing into the ground in the red room. Red, with so much blood soaked into the carpet. It was still wet and sullying my hand as I brought it to my face to look at what was staining it. The metallic stench of someone else’s abuse slapped me in the face, and at the same time, a shiny shoe stamped into my lower spine, forcing me to the ground.

I fought it, trying to push it away with my dirty hands.

The shiny shoe moved to my ribs, kicking hard. Air stalled in my lungs with the impact.

“Hey!” Gold Teeth warned his younger companion.

I closed my eyes and collapsed to the ground, sucking in a labored breath and the stench of someone’s blood as gratitude towards the older monster weighed me down.

Gold Teeth continued, “You don’t get them to listen by being gentle with them.”

My eyes sprung open, realizing how wrong I was.

He stepped up to me, ready to show his prodigy how it was done. His foot drummed into my stomach, so hard, I lifted from the ground, crying out as my rib cracked. My arm wrapped around myself, nursing the pain. He kicked me again, the blow hitting my chest, terrifying me as my already straining heart stalled. Another kick slammed into the side of my head.
