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That whimsical key hanging out of his pocket.

I needed it.

His face tightened, and his eyes closed as I sucked a little harder. One hand fondled his heavy balls, and I prayed my parents weren’t looking down on me at this very moment.

The men in the background grew bored with watching. An exposed pussy was nothing new to them. They did this often.

I ignored them and their seedy conversations. I was lucky I’d tuned most of it out.

My fingers spread on Blue Suit’s thigh, brushing wild dark hairs from under my touch as it moved down his leg. Material caught my fingers, and I tugged them a little, giving the illusion I wanted them down. He allowed it. I sucked harder, and his eyes closed. And then, when his face tensed up and eyes closed, I gripped the key and stabbed it into his skinny thigh.

The tarnished brass bruised the inside of his leg, where I knew it would hurt most, but my sweaty palms didn’t give me the grip to puncture his skin.

He screamed, pulling everyone’s attention to the scene on the floor of me attacking my abuser.

I wanted to shove it down his throat and watch him choke on it.

But the limited time I had wouldn’t allow that.

And I needed the key.

I launched to my feet and sprinted, my body crashing into the moldy wall with a thud as I rounded the corner to the long corridor.

My chest wheezed with the pain, but I wasted no time pushing off and bolting down the hallway. I could hear long legs catching up as the pack of hungry wolves gained on me.

I struggled to get the key into the lock, and they got closer, all pushing each other out of the way to get to me.

The latch released, and I rushed through, closing the door quickly behind me. Angry punches hit the metal as I prayed they didn’t have a spare key.

An ugly snarl fogged a window so small and dirty I hadn’t even noticed it on the way up.

My dirty sneakers edged back far enough that my desperate breaths wouldn’t fog this side of the glass.

The jingle of keys proved they did, in fact, have keys, and I launched, ignoring their screams to each other about getting out their guns and killing me if they couldn’t catch me. I jumped the stairs, taking three steps at a time.

My shoelace caught under me, and velocity threw me forward. I hit every one of the thirty-something steps on my way down before hitting the concrete at the bottom.

My head buzzed. My vision came and went, the gray space swaying in my view.

The door creaked open, and a flurry of footsteps flew down the steps. I no longer had time to worry about my head or my aching body.

I darted through the door, shocked to see the limo still in the distance.


The cold air battered my body, knocking sense into me with gut-wrenching punches.

He wouldn’t help me.

He’d done this. He brought me here and left me with them.

But another thought niggled at me. He was still here.

I darted through the dark, my foot slipping out of my shoe, but I didn’t have time to stop. I pushed on, my exposed foot finding every stone and shard of glass lying in wait on the floor.

I screamed for help. I begged through cries of terror.

Pounding drums rang in my ears, only interrupted by terns scuttling from their nesting areas and a predator following—an osprey. A crack shot through the night, frightening every bird who fluttered wildly in different directions, their feathers raining down on me.
