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“I’m sure.” I nodded. “Will you keep an eye on her for me?”

“I promise. I won’t let her out of my sight.”

“Thank you, and please tell her that I won’t be too long.”

Daniel nodded, his eyes on Remington when he said, “Better not be. There’s only so much I can do to delay things.” And then he disappeared down the hallway.

Chapter 45


The limo ride was short, and the sites of San Francisco were so beautiful. The city had always fascinated me, and this journey was no exception. The trailers sat in a field outside of town, locked off by security.

Our entry was granted after our driver showed some kind of pass.

I sat in the back seat. Remi, who I’d learned on the short journey here, actually preferred to be called that, sat with a loose arm around me. The tinted windows prevented anyone from seeing us huddled closely as we traveled.

Wheels moved over gravel, and a crunching sound vibrated through the stretch of the vehicle.

“Anywhere is good once you see the trailers. You don’t have to hang around,” Remi instructed the driver, his leather jacket creasing and whispering with every movement as he slipped it from his shoulders and wrapped it around mine.

Subconsciously, my nose moved to the collar, and to his scent—sweet and nutty—still heavy on the material. He smelled so good, like the best late-night memories you’d wish always to remember.

“Mr. Cooper instructed me not to go too far.”

I wondered who Mr. Cooper was, and then Remi answered his driver.

“You don’t work for Daniel. You work for me.”

Remi took my hand, our fingers entwining as the vehicle slowed. I felt all the sparks, and I didn’t mean the static shocks from the sleeve of this jacket—things I’d never complain about because he gave it to me to wear. I could take a little pain if it meant being close to Remi.

The cold air instantly attacked me as we left the warmth of the limo. I fiddled with the zipper, trying my damnedest to get it up to my throat.

“Which trailer is yours?”

Remi’s finger pointed to the biggest of all the trailers, and of course, it was the farthest one away, too.

His long legs led us forward, and I rushed to keep up. Sharp gravel tried to stab me through rubber soles, and my ankle twisted.

I was an inch from a bruised butt cheek when I was hauled through the air, landing against Remi’s chest. The fact that he had clothes on now didn’t change how heated I felt, and I literally had to peel myself away from him.

“Good thing you didn’t wear heels, or we’d be on our way to the ER right now.” Dark eyebrows framed eyes that twinkled like the stars above. “Come on. I’ll walk slower.”

And he did. We walked slower, hand in hand, beneath a satin black sky and a million little night lights. The moon, big and round, like my eyes as I stared up at its perfect glow, sat high above his white trailer, making the gold accents look all the more expensive in the beautiful light.

Remi tapped a key card against a sensor on his door, and after a low beep that echoed in the silence of the park, the door opened and let us inside. Remi flicked the switch and flooded the space with light, pulling me in from the top step and the cold outside.

The trailer was just as extravagant inside as it was on the outside, designed for the elite.

One room became another, with a classy, open floor plan. My fingerprints coated every polished surface as I admired his taste. “Did you decorate it?”

“I don’t have that kinda time.” Of course, he didn’t. He was a rockstar. A rockstar who even had stuff to do right now, disappearing down the hall. He started pottering around in what I assumed was his bedroom, abandoning me, his guest. He popped his head back into view to tell me, “But I made requests so it would be how I wanted it.”

I wondered if what Daniel said was right. If Remi really did expect me to sleep with him, I couldn’t deny that I’d mentally prepared myself for it, even though, until this exact moment, I doubted it was a real possibility. But as I continued to nose around, it dawned on me that he’d been in his room for a while, and that had me thinking, was he making the bed for us? Did he need a last-minute shave? I didn’t have a preference for body hair, and I wondered if I should tell him that.

I chose not to, instead saying, “You have great taste. I love the cherry wood. It’s beautiful and classy.”

I rolled my eyes at myself when he didn’t say much of anything back.
