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I continued inching around, finding a flipped-open sketchpad. I flicked through pages of unfinished drawings, all would-be masterpieces depicting a fantasy world if completed. I set down the book where I found it on a polished table. I appreciated all the delicate details carved into the wood as if they were telling magical stories to accompany the illustrations.

Everything inside this place was gorgeous and highly detailed, with a sprinkle of luxury on every surface. The kitchenette, with its glittering backsplash, the kettle and the toaster to match. The living space with a couch made of a dozen cushions.

“Didn’t you need the bathroom?” he asked, waltzing into the hallway, tapping a door on the right. “It’s right here.”

“I did, thank you.” I rushed from the living room to the bathroom, my little wiggle making my forgotten need for the bathroom all the more obvious.

Locking myself on the other side of the door, I slumped against it for a second, the wood taking my weight. I pushed off, glancing at myself in the mirror opposite. My pink cheeks were proof my waddle had shamed me. Luckily, Remi hadn’t commented as I’d shimmed by him. Maybe he thought the walk was cute.

I made my way to a toilet that was a million times cleaner than the one I’d grown used to using.

The sound of me peeing was interrupted by a guest joining Remi in the trailer. There was no knock. I heard some cabinets opening and closing.

“What the fuck are you doing?” I heard Remi ask, as if he was genuinely surprised to see this person.

But their quieter reply was drowned out by my peeing.

I couldn’t even decipher if it was a man or woman he was talking to.

I didn’t hear anything else as I burned my hands under the hot water, trying to rush to get out of this little room, delaying myself further, when I kicked up his fluffy green bath mat and fell over it, into the door, that, again, caught my weight.

Composure took over, and I spent a few extra seconds making sure my dress wasn’t tucked into my underwear or anything else that would embarrass me before I stepped out of the room to see Sen Chasity sitting at the kitchen table, red wine disappearing down her throat in one smooth gulp.

“Oh…hi.” I smiled. My eyes wandered from her and her lacy ensemble—something that would only be worn to bed and only when you didn’t have plans to sleep—to Remi, whose face was lined in exasperation.

“Are you going to the after-party dressed like that?” I took a step forward, wobbling in my sneakers.

“After-party?” she questioned, her narrowed eyes on Remi. “We don’t do after-parties. We don’t like people all that much. Just each other, right, Remi?”

I stood, frozen by the cold seeping in from the open door and from confusion. Did he not even invite his opening acts to his meet and greets with the fans? Did he do that for a reason? That reason being he made a habit of sleeping with girls like me?

“Daniel has arranged some drinks, and we’ll be leaving soon. Go back to your trailer, Sen. I don’t have time to entertain guests.” He motioned to the open door.

“So, what is that? And what is it doing here?” A pointed red nail stretched through the air, fingering me.

“Hi. I’m—”

“Could care less,” she cut me off and filled her glass again until red wine spilled over the rim, staining the pretty table. Picking up the glass, she tipped more of it down between her small breasts as she took a sip. Her claws marked her skin as she wiped it away. “I should have just let you lick that off.” She laughed. Her brown eyes locked on Remi. “We all know that you’re a boob man. I guess that’s what you’re doing here.” Her sneer hit me in the face. “Seeing as you have nothing else going for you.” She snorted, taking another drink.

“It’s time to go, Sen. Maybe you’ll find your manners on the way back to your own fucking trailer, huh?” Remi moved to the door, opening it wider and welcoming the wintry air, but I didn’t feel it. I only felt the pain of her words.

But I didn’t want her to know that, and she would have if I had let it show because her eyes were still raking over my every curve.

As it turned out, the green-eyed monster actually had brown eyes.

“In your opinion.” I stayed calm, straightening my back. “But it isn’t your opinion that matters. It’s his. And he wants me here and not you.”

I bit my tongue before saying more, not stopping until a droplet of blood spread in my mouth.

“Fuck you, loser. If he screws you tonight, he’s just doing his part for charity. You won’t be the first or the last.”

I didn’t say more. I didn’t say how I thought she was embarrassing herself or that she had an attitude problem that wasn’t as appealing offstage. I didn’t say I’d still let him do anything to me.

She took another drink.

My eyes followed Remi, who was growing tired of all her shit that, he’d no doubt, had to wash from his trailer on many previous occasions.

His feet tapped the carpet three times, and he stilled in front of her with something like impatience on his face. His fingers wrapped around her tiny arm, and I stayed quiet, thinking maybe he’d have more interest if she ate as much as she drank, making that loose-fitting red chemise—that definitely wasn’t her color—fit better.
