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“If she wants to be.” He winked at me.

My heart melted a little.

Daniel’s face hardened.

“She’ll be at the after-party. Feel free to stop by.” Daniel rolled his eyes like he didn’t expect Remi to bother showing up. His fingers closed around my bicep a little too tightly, and he said, “Didn’t you need to use the restroom?”

I shook him off, making it obvious that the red print from his fingers brought me discomfort. I took a few steps. My legs and heart stopped when Remington clutched my hand—not my arm—and pulled me back.

He looked down on me in a way that somehow lifted me up, and he did it with the sexiest smile on his face. “You know, my trailer has a much nicer bathroom.” Golden eyes winked at me again.

I smiled from ear to ear, forgetting that I needed to pee. My heart pounded harder than all the drums that had played tonight. But I didn’t feel scared this time. My hand squeezed Remington’s, and I dragged it to my chest. “Feel how fast my heart is beating right now.” I laughed.

He stiffened, his whole body freezing, all but his fingertips as they moved beneath my hand, over my heart.

“It feels different to mine.” He almost looked concerned, and I loved that.

“It’s strong, don’t worry.” I hoped, at least.

“Strained is what it is.” He rubbed my chest again. “Probably from holding your breath earlier.”

“You stole it.” I giggled like a pathetic teenager with a crush—fitting because that was exactly what I was. I’d still blame Daniel’s drinks, still allowing all my inhibitions out without a care in the world. Who cared if I looked like a love-drunk teen. I didn’t. Because regardless of how I felt, he was here. Here with me, of all people, again.

“I feel okay.” I smiled a big smile, hoping my lip gloss didn’t ruin it. I ran my tongue along my incisors just to be safe.

“I’m glad.” He followed the movement with his pretty eyes. “I don’t want you dying on me tonight.”

“Imagine the news reports,” I made a joke of the situation.

He laughed. “God, can you?” He licked his dry lips, and my gaze went there.

“I’d rather not, personally,” Daniel moaned.

Remington ignored him, and I did the same.

“So, you were planning on going to the after-party?” he asked, pulling his hand away from my body.

“I was.” The words were quiet.

He looked to Daniel, who was checking his watch impatiently. “You can go.”

“And her? I have her sister waiting on the bus.”

“Will she mind you blowing her off for me? Just for a little while.” He ignored Daniel again, his question for me.

“Probably, but I think she’d expect it if she knew the opportunity came up.” I laughed, then hiccupped, embarrassing myself some more. The alcohol in my system suddenly tasted much uglier.

“You’re gonna bring her?” Daniel asked as if I was the star who had to be at this party, not Remington.


“Ms. Sutter?” Daniel’s eyebrows raised as he questioned what it was that I wanted.

I turned around, my head low as I said, “Rhylie will understand, I think. She won’t be mad if I meet her there.” I knew she’d be livid, fuming, raging. Worried out of her mind.

And yet, I still ignored all that.

“If you’re sure, you guys can follow behind.”
