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“It’s still a good date, right? We have each other, the blondies, and this weird color sky that makes it that tad more romantic.

“It’s because sunlight is made up of the colors of the rainbow. We don’t usually get to see them all. It has something to do with light interacting with particles in the atmosphere. I don’t remember exactly, but I think light has to travel farther to reach us when the sun is low, so we’re left with the red end of the spectrum. But I agree, it makes it that touch more romantic.”

“Wow.” Brains and beauty. “I love your attention to detail, Sir. Thanks for the science lesson.”

I laughed, and he did the same. His fingers moved to tickle my back through the blanket, and I realized then what I needed to push Rothbart out of my head.

I needed moments like this.

Chapter 32


The sky was no longer pink and pretty. Dark clouds prevented the moon from shining down on us. The breeze picked up, making Cat shiver in my arms as she slept naked at my side. I was still buried—not quite to the balls—inside her, and I was kind of disappointed that the CD player had stopped because I really needed my cock to disappear back into my body. The sound of the Voodoo Dolls would do that. I internally kicked myself for not playing it louder when it was on because I wouldn’t be in this mess now.

Sweat ran from my brow, my dry mouth making each swallow uncomfortable. I was borderline irritated that my cock was still hard—yeah, it was still inside her, so what the fuck did I expect. I expected it to have deflated within four to five fucking hours, regardless of where it was.

But here we are.

Still hard…still rock fucking hard in her too-hot pussy, each scar starting to feel like she was ribbed for my pleasure, and I made myself sick over that thought because I was no longer thinking about how she got them. I was thinking about how each one would feel as I pulled out a few inches and thrust in a few more.

And then my hips were rocking, my fingers squeezing into her hips, leaving behind marks that would stain her skin.

Her tight pussy tugged at me as I slowly pulled out, gripping me and sucking my cock as I pushed back in. I picked up speed, unable to control myself for a single minute of pleasure.

A flash of light tried to punish me by blinding me as the moon shone between the clouds, and I stopped.

“Fuck.” I rolled away, unaware that she’d latch on like a koala bear, and moved with me.

She angled her head up, her body on mine.

“You’re awake.”

“I’m awake.”

“How long?”

“I haven’t slept yet.”

“God…fuck…” Shaking fingers wiped over my face, dragging down each feature and washing them in sweat. “I’m sorry.” For another fucking sexual assault.

Self-loathing clung to me. I’d always be the same fucking creep beneath the surface.

“Remi, you’re good. You haven’t done anything wrong. I gave you permission to be inside me.”

You gave me permission to fuck you, but then you showed fear.

And I shouldn’t have fucking let my urges get the better of me.

“I’m good, too.” She smiled, her face a thing of beauty as I tucked her hair behind her ear.

“Too good for me.”

“Remi, you’re my hero. And I love you. So, stop with the ridiculousness. The back and forth.”

It was a little hypocritical of her, seeing as she had more confidence in the shower a few days back, and now she was back to hiding.

The hypocrisy continued as she kissed my nose and pulled away, her warmth leaving me as she said, “Until you know if you’re ready, I think we should maybe sleep with our pants on, or you’re not gonna get any rest tonight.”
