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“All night?”

A smile spread on my lips, those two words drying my teary eyes. I leaned over him, taking the last inch that I could before a bump to my cervix warned me no more, and I reached into the picnic basket, steering clear of that awful food.

I popped the lid on a sandwich box and revealed a hoard of white chocolate-covered strawberry blondies—Remi’s favorite dessert, according to Declan.

Keeping my leg hiked over his hip and his cock in my pussy, I fed him the first taste—probably not wise, given my cooking skills.

Poisoning was a possibility.

He moaned, interrupting my thoughts.

“Are they better than the pasta?”

“Much.” He moved in for another bite, and I shared his dessert rather than claiming one for myself. He waited for his mouth to be empty, licking the crumbs I considered stealing from his lips, to talk, “I’m sorry I ruined our date.”

“You haven’t. I feel like I have.”

He shook his head, disagreeing.

“Maybe we both just don’t know how to do this. How to date.”

“Probably not.” He took another blondie, loving the giant strawberry in the center.

He chewed, and I watched his lips move. Watched how the scar that sliced through his cheek and lip moved with his facial muscles.

“How did you get this one?” I asked, my finger trailing the silver line. “You never said.”

He swallowed, leaving crumbs on his mouth that I wiped away with my thumb and licked.

“I was an ass in my younger years. And someone retaliated.”

“That violently?”

“I deserved it.”

“Hard to believe, Remi darling. Did you get stitches?”

“A lot of them.”

“I hope the person was punished.”

“They were, but I hate that more than the scar. I really did deserve it, Cat. I was an idiot.”

“Well, then, I’m glad you grew up, and at least, the scar is kinda sexy now.”

“It’s fucking awful.”

“No.” I smiled, feeling over the ridge in his flesh.

Peacefully, we stayed in each other’s arms. One song faded out and another began.

“I’m sorry I made you listen to this CD. I get the impression it’s not your vibe. I kinda thought it would be when I got it, but we’ve played a few songs since, and I’m sure you’ve cringed once or twice.”

He laughed, and it was such a beautiful sound.

“I even get the vibe that the lead singer might be kind of bitchy, and I don’t know why that is.”

“Not everyone can be perfect, Dream.” Remi’s lips pressed to my forehead, making me aware I’d missed a few crumbs. No doubt, he was about to leave more as he finished off his second blondie and reached for another.
