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No, and I needed it.

Tomorrow was the big day…the most important of days.

Cat dressed too quickly for my liking before turning on her side and propping that perfect ass against me.

She was sleeping in no time, a gentle snore echoing in the wind. But I couldn’t sleep and slipped from beneath the blanket we shared, drifting to the front of my truck for a bit of privacy.

And I fucked my own hand.

Six fucking times.

Chapter 33


Our big day was here.

Butterflies danced in my belly, the constant flutters giving me the hiccups as the truck parked at the edge of a busy street.

The buzz of excitement made me forget that I woke up screaming early this morning. Another nightmare had found me. I blamed it on breathing in the smell of fresh grass while sleeping in the cargo bed of Remi’s truck. In my dream, I rushed through the trees, chased by heavy feet that stomped all over my shadow. The scent grew stronger as I was shoved to the ground, dry grass cutting the inside of my nostrils as my panties were yanked down.

I heard Remi’s voice but not the words he said. Was he invading my dream? Or was my consciousness clutching at him to wake me up?

I screamed, waking myself and the birds nesting nearby, sitting up to see them fly from the trees that no longer felt like a safe escape. Remi’s voice interrupted again, singing softly at my side, relaxing me, calming my racing heart that twinged with random pains.

Bloodshot eyes stared back at me as I examined myself in the sun visor mirror, trying to push slightly smudged makeup back into place.

Shoppers filled the view ahead, carrying bags filled with stuff they’d bought. One got a little too close, bumping the headlamp with her heavy goods.

Remi rolled his eyes but said nothing.

“Which one is the registry office?”

Yesterday, I briefly asked Jolie where people get married while admiring her ring and deciding it was okay to show her mine. She’d told me it was often a church, sometimes a castle or fancy venue, and sometimes a registry office.

I didn’t see any churches, castles, or fancy venues ahead, which was what led to my question.

“No registry office.” He took my hand to his mouth and kissed my knuckles, still slightly chapped from years of cheap soap and hard towels that barely dried the skin without scraping some of it off.

I hiccupped again.

I blinked in the wicked smile on his face, my eyelashes fluttering wildly with the level of confusion. I found myself doing as he did, watching his lips as he talked, noticing the tiny hole at the edge of his stubble, the result of one of his piercings from his younger years. That image of him flashed again. The beautiful younger man he once was, smiling at me. The titanium bars in his lower lip and septum shone as he did.

“You’ll see. Wait there,” said a more mature Remi with the same beautiful smile.

Seconds later, he appeared at my door, opening it for me to get out, and escorted me to the sidewalk.

Keeping our fingers weaved together, he guided me to a storefront. Big dresses filled the window, which was decorated with pink garlands and fairy lights.

I strayed forward, admiring the one on the far left. Its sweetheart neckline wouldn’t flatter my body, but I could imagine how the sparking diamanté crystals would look when reflected in Remi’s eyes, drinking me in slowly as we stood face to face, saying our vows.

“Every bride deserves a princess dress, right?” He moved behind me, his hand leaving mine to slink around my waist. I held him there as my eyes searched for a price tag, but before I could find one, he leaned in, his hood up, as always, tickling my ear as he whispered, “Let’s go find one fit for my queen.”

The air still stalled in my lungs when Remi shifted away, and I heard the bell echo from inside huge white doors, screaming of this place’s wealth. A voice came through the intercom—a lady who spoke with a fancy accent and hardly any breaths between her words.

“Hello, how can I help you today?”

“We’re here to buy a dress.”
