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“Fuck no,” I grunted out the words, still biting, still sucking, talking in between. “We don’t need it. You’re clean, and I’ve been celibate for fucking years.”

“Patiently waiting for me, huh?” She dipped her head to mine, nudging me with her nose, and smiled, knowing she’d interrupted as I got closer to her breasts.

“Always, my beautiful girl.” The constant bruises on my cock would say otherwise.

Enough time had been wasted.

I dragged the head of my naked cock between her pussy lips, mixing my precum with her fresh arousal, making me moan. My other hand slipped up her body to her right breast and the scars that made her conscious. I kissed each one, my tongue and teeth finding their way to her nipple. She trembled as I sucked her into my mouth.

And then she dragged me away. Her hands wrapped around my face, covering so much of it as they spread over my cheeks.

My stubble protested against her demand, stabbing into her fingers.

But then our eyes locked, tears filling hers.

“Only kiss my face, please. I just need this...just for this first time.”

My ear ached as her trembling fingers bent it at an uncomfortable angle to help rid her nerves.

“Okay,” I agreed, knowing tonight wasn’t the night to try and stretch her confidence levels when her free hand pushed between us and hid her body from me.

“Kiss me,” she requested.

And I froze, unmoving with that inch inside her. “I can’t.”

“You can.”


“The only one stopping this is you.”

Me and all the sense that slammed into me because she wasn’t fucking ready.

I agreed with a gentle nod and closed my eyes, hating myself for stopping any of this from going further.

Chapter 31


Remi rolled to my side, taking me with him. Our naked bodies molded into one beneath the sheet as his cock unintentionally slid deeper inside me. His eyes closed, dark lashes created shadows on his tanned cheeks, and a gentle moan slipped through his pouted lips.

My finger touched gently where his cock disappeared inside me and trailed his length.

“Please, don’t touch me there.”

Confusion cast a cloud above me, and it was big and gray despite the pretty pink sky.

Music danced in the air, so quiet he probably wouldn’t even hear it, amplifying the impression I got that he didn’t like this band.

“Have I done something wrong?” I kept my eyes low, avoiding the disappointment on his face as I clutched the blanket to my chest tighter. “Is it because of how I look?”

“No. Your body isn’t an issue for me.” His fingers guided my stare to his golden eyes, which were now open. “Don’t ever think that.”

“Then what is it?” I protested, pushing my hips against his, forcing another inch to stretch me as he tried to pull out. “Because I hid?”

“Yes.” His hands landed on my hips, fingers pressing in, ready to push me away.

I wouldn’t survive the rejection.
