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Tucking the edge of the sheet into the blanket bunched at her chest, I allowed her more freedom to strip me without rushing her into showing me parts of her body that she still worried over.

My T-shirt went with my hoodie, falling to the ground.

She fumbled with my belt, and I let her, with all the patience of a saint. She popped the button on my jeans and dragged down the zipper. Her thumbs hooked into my boxers, the waistband painfully catching my throbbing cock on the way down. And it only made me harder.

Her pretty eyes locked on mine. Her hand wrapped around my length, not quite closing as she fisted up and down. The tip moved to her lips, her tongue peeping out and licking the bead of precum.

Her eyes were still on me, watching how pleasure altered my expression. She dipped her tongue slightly into my slit and moaned when she tasted me again.

I twitched, almost ready to squirt like a fucking teenager on the first touch.

I wouldn’t.

I’d hold it.

Coming was only acceptable if I was buried in her tight cunt.

She took me deeper into her mouth, her hand assisting, her eyes still on me, watching mine fucking roll. Her fingers moved to my ass cheeks, those pink nails scraping the flesh as she pulled me closer.

Fuuuucccckkkk meeee…

The slight hint of teeth had me shivering. “I want you so bad.” I tilted her head with two fingers, getting a better view of her through sex-hazed vision, her cheeks hollowing and beautifully pink as she sucked at the tip of my cock. “I need to have you, Cat.”

She let me fall from her mouth with a pop. “You can.”

I kicked off my boxers, jeans, boots, everything, until I stood naked, trampling fucking daisies, in this fucking field.

Cat’s legs tightly wrapped around me, her pussy leaving wet kisses on the nose of a teddy bear as I scooped her in my arms, cradling her head as I crawled into the truck bed and descended on her.

My lips pressed to hers, moving along her jaw, to her neck, and down to her collarbone. Her legs stayed locked on me, hooked up on my hips in a position I favored.

“Would you be more comfortable on top or bottom?” I asked between a peppering of kisses.

Please say on top.

Show me that confidence.

She didn’t. “You start on top.”

But I still had time to get her there.

I nodded, accepting her answer.

I lifted her back to peel the blanket from beneath her and draped it over us.

She didn’t hide her body, but her hands on my face tilted my head to hers, preventing me from seeing it.

“You afraid of the wildlife seeing your ass?” She laughed, trying to hide the fact that she was, again, terrified...of what? Her own image? The thought of rejection? I recognized that from my own worries.

She just didn’t realize I felt it, too.

I played into her. “It’s cold. I don’t want it shriveling up and falling off before we’ve had some fun.”

It worked. She laughed, the beautiful sound echoing in my ears as I nipped at her soft skin, sucking just below her ear and leaving tiny love bites there.

Her laugh faded out, fear creeping in again. “Do you want to wear protection with me?”

Of all the things she could remember...condoms, really?
