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She begged for it.

Her fingers shoved my face deeper into her crotch, and I loved the fucking dominance. She moaned my name again, tight muscles clamping around my tongue as her hips lifted, her head, too, that fucking raccoon nowhere to be seen. Her cum filled my mouth, and I drank it down. She collapsed back after seeing the twinkle in my eyes because I fucking loved it as much as she did. Her body continued to shake as my tongue slid out of her slit, my finger out of her tight ass.

“You look so fucking hot right now.” I was practically fucking drooling over her.

My mouth moved to her clit, where I kissed her like I’d never get the chance to do so again. And I continued until she went limp.

A huge smile sat on my lips, still glossed with her cum, as I climbed on top of her and kissed her mouth hard, pushing what was left of her taste down her throat. She kissed me back, fighting with me for dominance, and I almost came in my fucking pants. I was close to humping her leg, desperate for any kind of friction.

But I wouldn’t.

I wouldn’t fuck things up with my need for sex, despite my previous plan. It had been unfortunately canceled, and since then, I’d thought of it all day, of what a stupid fucking idea it was.

This was her night, her choice of what happened on the date she’d planned.

I collapsed at her side, my hand pulling her face close, and she slapped me away. I sat up to the sting on my face, and her rejection felt like a second hit.

She was as far away as possible, sitting up on the ledge of my cargo bed.

My dry mouth opened to ask her what I’d done wrong, but her words came out first.

“I don’t want bum germs on my face.”

I couldn’t stop myself from laughing. “It was my other hand, you goon.” What the fuck was a goon? Why did I call her that? Pushing that thought from my head, I continued, “Besides, it was your ass.”

“You aren’t touching me with that hand all night.”

“Yeah. That isn’t gonna work for me.” I, at the least, would have to touch her. “Do you know how hard it is to keep my hands off you now?” I edged closer. “So fucking hard since we did this.” My clean hand pulled her arm up into the light of the setting sun. “Since you rode my crotch. Since I watched you come on your own fingers.”

She pulled her hand away, fanning those flushed cheeks and refusing to touch me.

I fucking hated that, but I’d given her control.

I didn’t waste another second.

I stood, moved to the edge, and hopped down, drifting to the side of my truck. “Lucky for me, I keep sanitizer in my door.”

“Use lots of it.”

My lips hiked at the little demands because it was nice she felt confident enough with me to make them.

“And, while you’re there, put that CD on. Date nights should have music!”

I gelled my hands and did as she asked, playing another of the Voodoo Dolls’ hits. I kept it quiet, blending in with the breeze picking up.

When I got back to the bed of my truck, Cat was there, wrapped in the checkered blanket.

But the pink hoodie was at her side.

My dry mouth became drier, and I couldn’t fucking breathe.

“I don’t think you’re done worshipping me, Remi.” Her teeth sank into her bottom lip, another act of fucking torture that had me stumbling forward.

“We can wait.” Why the fuck was I struggling and scraping my throat to say that? I didn’t want to wait. I just didn’t want to rush her.

“We’ve waited long enough...”

On her knees, she moved to me, her tight fist holding the blanket at her chest. Her cold fingers grazed my stomach as she pulled up the hem of my hoodie that I needed off hours ago. I burned with need, but I didn’t want to take this moment from her by pulling it off and tossing it to the ground. I wanted her to have this...this build-up where fear and excitement laced together in her stomach, and for once, excitement would win.
