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“What makes you say that?”

“He put some videos online of a woman tagged, The Rapist’s Bride.”

“Isn’t that a little hypocritical?” Dec stole my coffee and took a sip.

He could keep the fucking thing.

“It’s a cruel dig. I did some digging of my own. His cousin got married in October. His wife went missing the next day.”

“Alerion’s son?” My dreams were coming true. Pencil Dick would be dead, and I didn’t have to be implicated. “Thank fuck for that.”

“And if Charles Rafael—that’s his name, right? If he takes out Rubbichon, the target is on him, not us. It’ll give us time, not much, but time to make this empire crumble.” Dec was rambling.

But he had a point, or so I’d thought.

“No one will go after Rafael. They’ll likely let him fall off the grid. It happened when he killed the others, and let’s face it, Alerion and Badeaux had much more respect here prior to their deaths than what Pencil Dick does.” Ollie was next to steal the coffee.

"Pencil Dick probably wanted Rafael alive,” I thought out loud. “Wanted to hurt him by taking his wife.”

“Well, if the empire falls to me, anyone that touches him will die. I need Rafael alive. Who knows, we might need his help to bring this thing down.” The cup moved back to Ollie’s lips. He didn’t have an issue with the taste.

The room was silent for a second, and Dec and I let Ollie finish that disgusting drink.

The second he was done, I disturbed the peace.

“Did Pencil Dick have a mercenary sent to you?” I needed to know.

“He tried. The clown hired Karma. He called me this morning, laughing his fucking head off down the line, wondering what we could have possibly done. So much for a lie in on my morning off.”

“And there was me thinking you’d shit the bed.” Dec laughed, nudging his shoulder into me.

I didn’t budge.

“Will you be here for a while? Can you keep an eye on Cat?”

“I’ll do it.” Dec winked, knowing all too well he was grinding on my nerves by my side glance.

“No.” I moved my gaze to Ollie.

“Yeah, I’ll keep an eye on her. As I said, I’m taking the morning off. Actually, I’ll take the whole fucking day. I want him to think he’s pissed me off by questioning my loyalty.”

“It’s nice to see you’ve changed your tune.”

“I haven’t about everything. You’re still getting on that stage. Once he’s gone, then you can have your freed—” A text interrupted Ollie, his phone buzzing across the island. “Speak of the devil.”

Ollie kept the message private, his schooled expression giving nothing away.

“What is it?”

Ollie’s fingers prodded the screen, typing a long and fast reply. “He wants an interview arranged for you.”

“What did you tell him?” I flicked through the emails on my phone. I had nothing more from Pencil Dick, but another email made me grateful to see it on the screen.

“I told him I’d take care of it when I’m back at work tomorrow and to stop fucking bothering me on my day off.”

“Wow.” Dec moved from the island to the fridge, which had been fully stocked yesterday. He chose the unhealthiest thing he could find to eat. “You really have changed your tune. Since when do you shit-talk the big boss?”

“Since he tried to wipe me out. Fuck him.”
