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“Yeah,” I agreed. “Fuck him.”

I didn’t object to the interview. Ollie was in so much shit already because of me, but right now, I have somewhere to be. Something important to do.

“Woodrow! Get up. We’re going out.”

Chapter 29


The sound of Remi’s truck crunching gravel had my excitement rising.

He was finally home just as his favorite color began to tint the afternoon sky with pretty hues. He was meant to be here around four hours ago, and we were going to have a day outside, but he was running way behind schedule.

And I was starting to count down each second until I saw him next.

I sat on the sofa, Dec close enough to have Remi’s blood pressure rising upon entering. But maybe it wouldn’t bother him so much now. I was his. We were promised to each other, and no one would ever come between us. He knew that down to his soul.

The corners of my lips rose on their own accord, the footsteps at the door bringing me happiness I couldn’t hide. My toes, freshly painted in pretty pink, curled into the fluffy rug that took up most of the living room floor.

Jolie had painted them for me on my mission to make myself feel nice, and she’d taken over that mission and completed it to the highest standard.

It all started this morning, when I woke to the usual occurrence of being in bed alone. My panda left on the pillow for me, just in case I’d need comfort—that was becoming a regular thing, too.

I sat up in bed, finding a note left on a pink page at my side.

If you’re wondering where I am…I couldn’t sleep.

I had to pop out, but I’ll be back by 12!

And by that time, I expect you to be hiding out in the woods.

Enjoy the pretty trees you love so much, and don’t worry, I’ll find you.

And when I do, we’re gonna take away those fears of yours!

See you soon, Little Dream.


Nerves and excitement fought in my stomach, and the feeling pulled me from the bed. Ollie tapped the door. I called him in, and he admired my new tattoo that had been completed yesterday when I’d braved the final six hours. He saw the note and my mix of nerves before explaining that my surprise plans had changed. Then he left.

I drifted from Remi’s room, ignoring the scent of fresh pancakes on the kitchen table because he’d brought like a million snacks to bed last night. Snacks that we’d hand-fed to each other before I’d fallen into a food coma that knocked me out a little earlier than usual.

I walked over the wooden floors, moving to the living room, hating how my toes looked. It was stupid and shallow how my body bothered me so much, but it did, every part of it—maybe because I couldn’t remember all the abuse it survived, I only saw what was left behind—a mess of scars and hateful words.


She looked up from her book, the pretty chapter headings stealing my attention for a moment as she shifted on the giant chair that swallowed her.

“You okay?”

“Remi isn’t here again. Has he gone to Beyond Heaven?” Ollie hadn’t explained where he was, just that he wouldn’t be back anytime soon.

Was it ridiculous that I hated him being there. He’d told me a few weeks back when Woody had his appointment with Dr. Novaletti, that he was a co-founder, and the desperate and foolish girl inside me pleaded for me to believe that was why he was never tattooing, why he was there daily, but I knew it wasn’t.

I knew it was her—the woman he’d told me nothing about, avoiding all conversations about her with the words, “She’s just a friend.”

“He’s not. He’s taken Woodrow somewhere. He’s hoping to get him a new voice today. One that sounds more like him.” She looked so happy telling me that and yet hurt that she wasn’t there with him.
