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And I suffered a six-hour erection while I had to sit with the prick the night after.

He’d goaded me then, and he was goading me now.

As I said, cunt.

I typed a quick reply, short and sarcastically sweet.

Have a good day.


I opted against using my computer to prevent that cretin from hacking it and finding anything that could be used against me. I turned off my WIFI while using my phone—because the creep didn’t have access to my number, thanks to a recent change. I searched for some flights to Ibiza, selected one, and paid with my pre-saved card.

He could die after the show was over next week. Once the contracts had been terminated.

I’d have to leave Cat for a day or two, and after her surgery. I hated that. She’d hate it, too. But this needed to happen.

Noise rustled through the hallway, one cat chasing another. I slipped from my room, following another noise to the kitchen.

Dec clanked a spoon against the side of a cup. The coffee grains still floated at the bottom when he turned to me, holding it up in the light. “Coffee?”

“Not that one, thanks. The day is bad enough already.”

“Why? What’s happened?” He leaned across the island, too tired to stand straight.

I did need that coffee.

I pulled the cup away from him, collecting a spoon of my own to stir the damn thing.

I stared at the mini whirlpool in my cup, hoping for it to suck me into another dimension where things weren’t so fucked up.


“I spoke to Pencil Dick.”

Dec immediately straightened. “And?”

“And, I guess, Rothbart has been home. Conveniently, on one of the days I wasn’t there. He told him I have Cat, and now he thinks Ollie is involved.”

“Nah. He’s goading you. Rubbichon has no proof of what Ollie saw, and he won’t risk losing him until he does. Ollie’s worth too much to him. Trust me.”

“Did you try to hack any emails recently?”

“The last we did was during your rampage. And he wouldn’t have known. Trust me. He’s goading you.”

A click sounded down the hall from an opening door, and footsteps moving over the wooden floor came closer.

“Morning.” Ollie smiled.

“How are you here?” I placed the coffee down, and I was happy about that if nothing else, because it still tasted fucking awful.

“Don’t worry, I know.”

“You know that Rubbichon wants you dead?” Dec grilled with a smirk.

“Ah, fuck him. He’ll be gone soon enough.”

Was there a fucking camera in my room, or was Ollie planning his death, too?
