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Tell me, how is Catharina settling in?

So, he definitely knew then.

I’d missed a few nights stalking Rothbart’s land when Cat had the root canal, and I hadn’t been back since.

And, of course, that was when he’d returned and filled Pencil Dick in on my antics.

Yes, I do know she’s residing with you.

Her master isn’t happy that he’s out of girls and out of pocket, as he needs to make arrangements for replacements.

Don’t worry. He does not want your battered little toy back.

I have one question, though…

Time moved slowly, waiting for the second message that he could have easily added to his last message.

The cunt liked the dramatics.

I pictured him in his blue suit, patting his fingers on the ledge of his desk and giving himself a drumroll.

Then the message pinged.

Did you work alone, or should the mercenary outside Segarra’s office pull the trigger right now? Someone has been trying to hack my emails, and they were tracked back to his computer.

My heart stopped as my stomach pumped bile up my throat. I swallowed that down with the taste of secondhand coffee and forced my fingers to reply.

You should know by now that I don’t need an accomplice.

The only thing Olivier is guilty of is having the same password for his logins as he does for the WIFI.

He knows nothing.

I would hope not, and I would hope you’ve learned your lesson. Cross me again, and I will not keep my end of the bargain. Don’t forget, she might own your heart—if you have one, but I own your fucking soul.

Your debt is settled with Rothbart. Don’t forget to thank me, Decoy. I will grant your request. Your little slut is yours to keep. She was never worth that much, and judging by how she looks now, she isn’t worth fuck all to anyone else anyway.

It always puzzled me…why her? Of all the girls you could have had.

I guess those drugs really did impact that brain of yours.

Anyway. Try to stay off them until after the show.

It’ll help with your behavior.

Have a good day, Remington.


My blood boiled in my veins.

How fucking dare he speak that way about Cat? Threaten Ollie’s life.

I could fucking kill him.


But I couldn’t let my anger rise to him…not yet. I couldn’t risk Cat’s life. And he was waiting for me to do that by typing all those vicious lies, and that was all they were. Because he knew how perfect she was, he’d taken great joy in reminding me how it felt to be buried inside her all those years ago.
