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“You good?” My lips stayed on hers as I asked.

“I’m good.”

Her breathing stayed heavy. Her legs continued to shake. I took her weight into my arms, easing the pressure on her legs because I couldn’t take care of the one in her chest. My cock pushed up between us, and her wetness covered me, which made this simple hug a huge fucking struggle.

I shook with need, my fingers twirling around her hair as she played with my ear.

We stared at each other for a moment, and then I stole another kiss.

The kiss tasted of me.

And I loved it.

Chapter 28


One week to go.

That was how long I had until I was placed in front of the world.

And I had a condition that needed addressing.

I’d dodged Ollie and went directly to the source of all evil. Pencil Dick. And I’d sat at this computer all fucking night, watching the screen fade out to standby, more times than I could count as I waited for a response.

I sent my message at exactly 1:23 a.m.

It was now 6:38 a.m.

The birds were chirping outside the window, serenading each other with beautiful songs, too much like sweet lullabies to my ears.

It made me tired.

I sipped my coffee, a slurp annoying me as I reached the bottom of the cup.

In Ibiza, it would be later than midday. So, there was no real reason why that asshole couldn’t respond to a message.

I sent another.

No answer. No show.

I read over my previous message.

Look, I know you expect me to do this show if I want to keep my life. But we both know I don’t really give a shit about that, and we both know you’ll lose too many guys by trying to take me out.

I’ll do your fucking show. I’ll sing like a canary. But I want all prior contracts terminated.

You know exactly what I mean.

My second message seemed contradictory, but it wasn’t, because I wouldn’t leave Cat’s side ever again if he didn’t agree. Pre-show nerves were getting to me. At first, I thought she’d be safe here while I was on stage, but as that time neared, I started to feel the opposite.

If he didn’t agree, I’d take her from here, Rhylie, too, despite her wishes. She’d just have to fucking deal with it.

I slumped back in my seat, letting out all my frustrations with a huff of breath.

And then an email popped up on the screen.

Oh, I know exactly what you mean, Decoy.
