Page 57 of Broken Captive

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While she stared at it, his erection seemed to grow, lurching a bit toward his stomach as Luka let out another pained sound.

Alina shifted off of her hands so she could pat the spot on the bed he had lain on before. “Lie down,” she told him.

When he just stood there, Alina’s gaze moved up to his face. She expected his normal blankness, but his lips had parted as he panted, and his cheeks had paled. He looked like he was in a full-blown panic.

Alina shuffled to the far side of the bed, away from him. “I won’t touch you. That won’t change.” The thought led to another one. “Actually, can you touch yourself? Or does that hurt too?”

Color filled his cheeks, chasing a bit of the panic away as he stared at her. “What?”

“Does it hurt when you touch yourself?” Alina asked. Curiosity ate at her. She needed to know.

Luka looked confused. “I don’t know.”

“Oh. Then why don’t you try it?”

Luka’s hands fisted again as his erection jumped.

“Would it help if I talked you through it? You could start by touching your chest.”

Luka hesitated, but then his hand unfurled, and he slowly brought the glove to his chest.

“Does that hurt? Like when you touch me?” Alina asked.

Luka shook his head.

A flare of heat filled Alina’s chest. It was ridiculous. She shouldn’t feel jealous, but the bitterness made words she hadn’t planned fall out of her mouth. “What about without the glove?”

Luka stilled. Then he slid his gloves off. He clasped his hands together before reaching for his chest, brushing one hand over it.

His lips parted as his eyes lost focus.

“So you like your own touch?” Alina told herself not to feel disappointed.

Luka’s gaze focused on her again.

“Oh,” Alina breathed. The sudden realization slid through her like lava. “Are you imagining it’s me?”

His erection twitched.

Alina couldn’t help but grin at him, stretching her body across the bed to pat the side closest to him. “Come here.” She moved completely back to her side. “Not so I can reach you. You should lie down and try this.”

Luka lay down.

His erection looked bigger from that angle. It was pointing up toward his belly.

Luka’s hands rested at his sides. His face was the comfortable blankness that meant he’d calmed down some.

“No, no, keep touching your chest. Both hands this time. That’s how I would do it.”

He obeyed her words, his fingers brushing over the top of his chest.

“I would definitely check out that tattoo on your neck. Your tattoos fascinate me, and I bet your neck is as sensitive as mine is.”

His fingers grazed the inked wings, and a shudder racked his body. She talked about feeling his pulse against her skin, how happy she’d be if it was a little too fast, or even faster than that. How she loved the way his body shivered under her touch.

It was suddenly very, very easy to make Luka pant.

“I wonder if your nipples are as sensitive as mine. Touch them for me.”
