Page 58 of Broken Captive

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Luka hesitated, but then his hands slid down his chest and over his nipples.

“I didn’t like when mine were pinched. It hurt. Of course, it wasn’t you doing it. A part of me thinks it might feel different if it was you, but I was too scared to ask. I’d feel better testing it out on you first. Pinch your nipples.”

He groaned as he obeyed, his head falling back. “Fuck,” he breathed out, in that too-low voice.

“So you like that? If you like it, I’d do it more.”

His fingers worked over his nipples, harder than she ever would have, but his hips were jerking a little now, just like hers had when she’d become excited.

If Alina was the one touching him, she’d want to delay moving down between his legs. She’d spend a lot of time on the fascinating divots above his hips, on his adorable outie belly button, and she might want to kiss his stomach, carefully near the healing cut. She’d hope that the sensation would make him twitch.

“I’ve never touched a man before.” Erections had been forced into her mouth and into her, but not by her own hands. This was Luka, she reminded herself. “I really want to touch you. Only you.”

One of his hands lowered to his erection, hovered there.

“Wrap my hand around it,” she said, knowing it was his own hand that obeyed, but imagining it was hers.

His panting was back as he squeezed.

“How hard is it?” All the dicks that had been shoved into her had been hard rods. Her tone went flat on the word.

It had been the wrong thing to say. His body stiffened as his hand loosened, and his eyes, which had slid shut, opened.

She swallowed, pushing the memories down. “Maybe the skin is soft, though?” she asked. “Not as soft as my breasts, but kind of silky, like your gloves.” At the mention of her breasts, his hand tightened again, and he breathed out a little fast on the word ‘gloves.’ “I’d be gentle as I stroked up toward the tip. I’d want to brush over those fascinating veins as I slide up and down.”

Luka was panting again with his eyes squeezed shut. Even without her urging, his hand continued to stroke, so much firmer than she would have been comfortable trying.

Alina scooted a little closer as she noticed moisture beading on the head of his penis. “Are you dripping? I’d need to taste you. To close my mouth on the very tip of you.” She’d never done that. Oh, she’d swallowed cum, had gagged on it, but the men had always thrust themselves fully inside her. She liked the idea of the tip with Luka.

He couldn’t, of course, taste himself, but his hand quickened at the picture she painted with her words, and his hips were rising into his strokes.

“Does that feel good?” Alina asked. Her eyes moved back to his face, where his jaw had clenched. He looked tough and vulnerable at the same time. “All I want to do is make you feel good. I want you inside me, moving like that. I want you to want me, Luka, just as badly as I want you.”

He cried out, and it was partially a sob this time. His hand stopped moving as he came on his abdomen, making it glisten.

His hand fell away as his body shuddered, sinking deeper into the bed.

Tears filled Alina’s eyes as Luka’s face filled with bliss.

And she couldn’t hold back the words. “I love you, Luka.”

His head rolled to the side, his eyes opened, and she saw him smile. Not the slight tilt of his lips she’d seen once before, but a full smile.

“I always want to be with you. Forever.”

It was astonishing how quickly that smile disappeared and the blank expression returned to his face.

Chapter 26

Alina’s words of love shattered him inside, even worse than his first orgasm had done.

Her mention of forever blew the shards every which way, making him bleed.

Luka didn’t have forever. He was going to die. Soon. It was how his time with Ivankov was always going to end.

His only hope had been to take the monster with him.

Now Alina had wormed her way inside, trying to give him an impossible new hope.
