Page 97 of Against the Odds

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After I say goodbye to Joe and fill Mallory in on everything, I race to TJ’s apartment.

My phone’s dead and Mallory said TJ came looking for me earlier. Not seeing him all day after the night we shared is killing me, and I can’t wait to be in his arms again.

When I arrive, I take the stairs two at a time and forgo knocking on his door.

“TJ? Are you here?” I scan the kitchen and living room, and make my way to his bedroom next. “Anybody home?”

I plug my phone into his charger and leave it on his nightstand. I return to the hallway and tap my knuckles against the closed bathroom door. “TJ? You in here?”

I turn the knob and push open the door.

Oh, sweet Jesus.

TJ’s soaking in the bathtub with his earbuds in. His giant arm hangs over the side, head tilted back, eyes closed. He looks so peaceful, I take advantage of the stolen moment and allow myself to stare, taking in every perfect part of him.

The swell of his chiseled chest as it meets his collar bone. The curve of his Adam’s apple. His prominent jawline. Those perfect, bowed lips. My eyes rove over the world wonder that is this man.

My man.

My warrior.

TJ’s eyes open, pinning me with a gaze I can’t quite read. His brows are low, jaw clenched.

He doesn’t look happy to see me.

“My phone died,” I say. “Mal told me you came by.”

He pops the buds out and drops them onto the tile. “Was worried about you since I didn’t hear from you. Guess you were busy.”

“Joe showed up at my apartment this morning. That’s why Mal called so many times.”

His eyes ignite but his expression remains the same. “And how did that go?”

“As good as can be expected.” I shrug. “We talked about what happened and—”

TJ’s hand rises to stop me. “Spare me the details.”

“Oh.” My stomach drops to my feet. Why is he being so cold with me? “Are you okay?”

A smirk tilts the corner of his mouth. “Yeah, I’ll be fine. You know me.”

My eyebrows collapse. “What does that mean?”

He shakes his head. “Nothing. Just get on with it. Say your goodbye and leave.”

“Goodbye?” Leave? What on earth …?

“Aren’t you going back with Joe?” he asks.

Ah, there it is. It all clicks into focus. I’d laugh if TJ didn’t look so torn up about this.

Go back with Joe? After everything? With the way I feel for TJ? Ridiculous.

My teeth drag across my bottom lip as I step out of my shoes. TJ’s eyes flick to my hands as I pop the button on my jeans and push them down to the floor. I tug my shirt over my head and snap the clasp on my bra, letting it drop to my feet.

TJ is silent, watching me undress. His eyes slide down my legs, following my panties until they hit the tile. I’m baring myself to him. For him.

I step into the tub and settle in with my back to his chest. The water’s warm, but it’s nothing compared to the heat radiating between our bodies.
