Page 65 of The Other Brother

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“I like her, too. I feel like she gets me. She’s so different from Chase.”

“They say opposites attract.” Charlotte wrapped her arms around my waist, gazing up at me with those mesmerizing eyes. “Do you feel like I get you?”

I wiped the grease from my fingers so I could wrap them around her. “Of course I do, baby.”


“You should get back to studying before you end up naked on the hood of this car.” I smacked her ass playfully. I’d set up a beach chair for her to study in. She spent all of her free time with me in the shop while I worked overtime. She had finals to study for, and I didn’t want to get in the way of her schoolwork. But she insisted on being with me every chance she got. I was the luckiest man in the world.

“I’m having a hard time concentrating with you looking all sexy working on that car.”

“Smelly and greasy is sexy to you?”

“You are sexy to me. No matter what you’re wearing.”

“I feel the same about you, my sweet girl.”

“Would you want to sleep over tonight?”

“Is your dad going to be okay with that?”

“He will be as long as he doesn’t hear us.” She wiggled her eyebrows with a devilish expression.

“If you think I’m having sex while your dad is in the next room, you’ve got another thing coming.”

“I can be quiet,” she said as she unbuttoned my shirt.

“That’s the problem.” I lifted her by her ass and laid her on the hood of the car. “I don’t want you to be quiet.”


“That doesn’t sound good.”

I shot Mallory a look out my driver’s side window. I tried to start my car again, but it made the same sound and refused to start.

“You want to curse right now. I know you do. Come on. Just let it out.”

“Cursing doesn’t fix anything.” I dug into my purse and searched for my phone.

“It helps get your frustration out.” She reached into my car and poked my shoulder with her gloved finger. “I bet you curse in the bedroom. The quiet ones are always freaks.”

I giggled as Tanner answered the phone. “Hi, baby. We have a problem.”

“What’s the matter?”

“I’m stuck in the parking lot at school. This lemon of a car you sold me won’t start.”

He chuckled on the other side of the phone. “Let me ask: did you put gas in this lemon?”

“Yes. It has a full tank.”

“Can you have Mallory drive you home? I’ll get Chase to help me to get your car. Once it’s in the shop, I’ll take a look and see what’s wrong.”

“I’m gonna go warm up my car,” Mallory said. “It’s colder than a witch’s tit out here!”

I laughed. “What does that even mean?”

“It’s an expression!”
