Page 66 of The Other Brother

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“Okay. Mal’s going to drive me home. I’ll leave my key under the seat for you.”

“Don’t worry, baby. I’ll fix it for you.”

Mallory’s car was nice and toasty when I got inside.

“So, what are you getting lover boy for Christmas?”

“I literally have not one idea. I can’t think of what he would need.”

“Christmas is not about what people need. My aunt Cathy sends me a toothbrush in the mail every year. Everybody needs to brush their teeth, but nobody wants a toothbrush for Christmas.”

“She really sends you a toothbrush?”

“In bubble wrap. I shit you not.”

“Well, I don’t know what he wants!”

“I’m taking you to the mall right now.”

“What’s at the mall that Tanner wants?”

“Two words: Victoria’s Secret.”

I shook my head. “But that’s not for him.”

“It’s for his viewing pleasure.”

“I know, but I want to get him a gift, too.”

“Guys are so easy. Get a bow and slap it on your vag. Boom. Instant gift. That’s all they really want, anyway.”

I laughed. Though Tanner would love that idea, I had to figure something else out. Something special. I just didn’t know what.


I had successfully stolen the battery out of Charlotte’s car while she was in class. I knew Mallory would be there to drive her home. Chase drove me to pick up the car from the parking lot and didn’t ask too many questions about who I was doing this for. He had his head so far up Merritt’s ass, he couldn’t see anything except her. I didn’t give him a hard time. The same could be said about me with Charlotte.

Over the next few days, I worked as fast as I could to buff out the dents and scratches on Charlotte’s car. She was relentless with questions, asking if I’d figured out what was wrong with it. I had to make excuse after excuse to cover my ass when I sent it to my buddy’s paint shop. I couldn’t wait to see the look on her face when she realized what I’d been doing all along. I knew she was going to love it.

On Christmas Eve, it was finally ready. I waited until I was the only one left at work, and then I called Charlotte.

“Hey, baby,” she answered. “Did you finish at work?”

“I’m all finished. Can I pick you up? I want to show you something.”

“Sure. You sound weird. Is everything okay?”

“Everything’s fine. I just want to show you something.”

“Okay. I’ll be here waiting for you.”

When I arrived at the bakery, Charlotte was bundled in a hat, scarf, coat, and gloves. I had to laugh. It was only December. She hadn’t even seen winter in New York, yet.

“What’s so funny?”

“You. You look like the abominable snowwoman.”

She smacked my shoulder though she was laughing. “It’s cold, okay? I’m not used to this kind of weather.”
